
In order to be served in public health service, it is necessary to have the SUS card. But what if you lost? Rest assured, it is possible to issue a duplicate card and today we will show you how to do it.

O Unified Health System (SUS), is an action of the Federal Government, where free medical care is offered to the population. Every citizen has the right to care at a public health unit, whether it is an emergency room or not.

See how to receive the Snack Aid:


A right guaranteed by the state regardless of the citizen's social class or any other issue, this is a right guaranteed by law.

So, to be assisted in the public health system, it is necessary to have the SUS card, which contains all the person's personal information for managing the appointments.

The information contained in the record and accessed by the SUS card are: exams, medical appointments, information on blood pressure, blood type, previous illnesses, surgeries, among others.

SUS card as an application

Since 2015, the SUS card has been digital, turning into a mobile application. From this outside, it is possible to access the information registered in the public health system through the smartphone screen.


It is also possible for the person to fill in certain additional information, such as allergies, medications for continuous use and to include emergency contacts, which greatly speeds up the consultations.

This inclusion of information by the patient is very important, as it can help to have access to the necessary information that can help in diagnoses and in case of accidents in which the patient is unable to transmit some information. crucial information.

To use the sus card application, the Connect SUS, only your active CPF is required. The application is available for systems iOS and android.

How to issue the duplicate of the SUS card

But if you prefer to use the physical SUS card and lost yours, it is possible to issue a duplicate of your card without major problems.


There are two ways to issue the second life of the SUS card: online and in person.

To request a duplicate of the SUS card online, follow these steps:

  1. Access the website of Connect SUS Portal;
  2. Login with your login;
  3. Fill in the form with your data, where a service protocol will be generated;
  4. Save the protocol number, because until the card arrives at your home, you will be able to use it in consultations (the protocol number for attendance is valid for only 3 months).

To apply for the SUS card in person, we recommend the following steps:

  1. Go to a Basic Health Unit (USB): each USB serves a neighborhood, to find out which one is closest to your home, check with your City's Health Department;
  2. When attending UBS, have the following personal documents in hand: CPF, RG and proof of address;
  3. Just talk to an attendant who will take the steps in the procedure and guide you.