
Cell phones come with a predetermined factory volume, generally, so as not to damage the user's hearing. However, in some situations, we need more volume, such as at parties or low recordings.

Therefore, it is possible, through applications, increase cell phone volume in addition to the standard, very useful in larger environments.


Today we are going to show you some applications capable of increasing the sound of your cell phone even more. Check out.

volume booster

As the first application on the list, we bring Volume Booster, which helps to increase the device's volume beyond the factory default, which is very useful in meetings and parties, for playing games and for watching movies.

Sound amplification is powerful, maintaining the quality, and still making the environment much more lively.

The Volume Booster application can be found for download on the system android.



Now, the second application on the list is Goodev, an excellent cell phone sound amplifier application, which has a very intuitive interface, making its use easy for all ages.

It can increase the sound of the device being through the headphones or of your own Loudspeaker, to liven up and fill the environments more.

The Goodev application can also be found for download on the system android.

Increase Cellular Volume

As a third application, we have brought the Increase Volume Al Celular, which, of course, also amplify the sound of the device beyond its factory standard, maintaining quality.


This is a very useful app for watching series and movies, especially those that are dubbed or originally recorded in Portuguese, where there may be lower parts in the audio at certain times.

It can also be very last for parties and gatherings with family and friends, making environments much more full and lively.

This application is paid, but it is accessible. The Increase Volume Al Celular app can be downloaded onto the system android.

bass booster

And, finally, the Bass Booster application, brings a slightly different proposal from the previous ones, however, in a way, enhances also the sound.


It is more aimed at increasing the sound of the bass, that is, of the bass sounds, much more focused on music, which makes the environment very different.

With this application, the place will have a stronger, fuller and more robust sound, which will provide a different environment, ideal for parties.

The Bass Booster app can be found for download on the system android.

Precautions to be taken

All the aforementioned applications can, if used the wrong way, cause hearing damage, which is often irreversible, so be careful and responsible when using them. Do not use them near small children at risk of permanent hearing damage.