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Digital pregnancy test: receive the information on your cell phone

When you suspect a pregnancy can bring different emotions to the surface, which causes excessive anxiety.

Even more so when you can't go looking for a test, or don't find any very accurate, with the information you want.

Know that there is a digital pregnancy test that can help you find out not only if you are pregnant, but also offers much more useful functions for this moment.

Remembering that if pregnancy is confirmed using a portable test, or even if it is negative but there is suspicion, see a doctor, only he will be able to properly care for you and the baby.

First Response

First Response appears as the first digital pregnancy test of the market in the sector. It has Bluetooth technology and can be connected to a smartphone on both Android and iOS operating systems.

It has the same function as all the others, the pregnancy test, but it has a little more than common tests.

To perform the pregnancy test, you must follow the following steps:

  • Connect your smartphone with the test;
  • Remove the test strip from the plastic packaging, which is shaped like a pen, with a digital display;
  • Collect a urine sample on the strip;
  • Return the strip to the pen-shaped container;
  • After waiting 3 minutes, the result is shown on your cell phone screen.
  • If positive, the app informs you of the likely due date and helps you monitor your pregnancy;
  • If negative, he gives you advice on methods of getting pregnant and alternatives to having a baby.

First Response pregnancy test via bluetooth

The test offers the application to cell phone connection, presenting different functions.

Among the functions of First Response are:

  • Pregnancy test;
  • Monitoring the menstrual cycle and ovulation;
  • Pregnancy information;
  • Methods for getting pregnant;
  • Alternatives to having a baby.

The application even helps you pass the 3 minutes wait to find out the result, as those minutes can seem like an eternity at that moment.

To pass the time, First Response provides distractions such as: watching videos, listening to relaxing music, doing relaxation exercises and checking information about pregnancy.

First Response App Promises

First Response promises to detect the pregnancy hormone from 6 days before a missed period. It also promises greater reliability than 99% in the result from the first day of delay.

To purchase the First Response digital pregnancy test, you can access the First Response website amazon.

The best apps to track your pregnancy

Aquele período de dúvidas sobre estar ou não grávida pode atormentar muita gente, alguns com receio e outros com empolgação.

O processo natural é que a mulher vá ao médico para fazer o acompanhamento do pré-natal, se informando dos estágios em que o bebê se encontra e obtendo informações sobre sua saúde e do filho.

Mas existe uma maneira de fazer o acompanhamento do seu bebê para além do consultório médico, na ponta dos seus dedos pelo celular.

Existe aplicativos que podem te mostrar todos os estágios em que seu bebê se encontra, além de trazer irformações importante e ajuda na hora do parto, são os rastreadores de gravidez.

Trouxemos alguns aplicativos capazes de te ajudar a fazer o acompanhamento de desenvolvimento do bebê de casa:

WebMD Baby

Um palicativo que trazem diversas informações médicas para os futuros país, e apresenta outros recursos.

Com o WebMD Baby, a mulher pode fazer o acompanhamento do seu próprio peso com as mudanças no período de gestação, acompanhar o crescimento do bebê e até a frequência de chutes.

O aplicativo apresenta um recurso que permite fazer o upload de listas de verificação para as futuras compras que serão necessárias após o parto.

Nele, você pode realizar o upload de fotos da sua barriga para acompanhar seu crescimento, e outras fotos relacionadas à gestação.

Também é possível anotar aquelas perguntas que surgem durante o dia para perguntar ao seu médico, mas na hora da consulta foge tudo da mente.

O aplicativo WebMD Baby está disponível apenas para usuários iOS.

Pregnancy Tracker

O aplicativo Pregnancy Tracker é um dos rastreadores de gravidez mais completos do mercado desse ramo específico.

Com ele, você se mantém informada sobre o período de sua gravidez, considerando o início do seu período de gestação.

Nele, é possível registrar vídeos e fotos semanais do bebê e do seu corpo durante esse período, conseguindo observar as mudanças. Ele oferece muita informações sobre gestação, cuidados e precauções a serem tomadas pela mãe.

Uma funcionalidade muito boa desse aplicativo é que com ele você tem acesso à dicas de médicos e nutricionistas, e ainda uma série de exercícios para ajudar no trabalho de parto.

O Pregnancy Tracker está disponível para android and iOS.

Gravidez +

Com o aplicativo Gravidez +, você pode obter conselhos de especialistas, ler artigos diários sobre gestação, ter dicas de saúde e ainda modelos 3D que te ajudam a visualizar o desenvolvimento do seu bebê.

O Gravidez + apresenta, entre outras, as seguintes ferramentas:

    • Calculadora de Data Estimada de Parto: ajuda você a saber quando seu bebê irá chegar;
    • Contador de chutes: registra os movimentos e atividades de seu bebê;
    • Registro de Peso de Gravidez: ajuda você a acompanhar as mudanças em seu peso;
    • Cronômetro de Contrações: mede as contrações durante o trabalho de parto.

10 apps every pregnant woman will love

Pregnancy is one of the most special moments in a woman's life. She can experience so many changes that she would not be able to experience at any other time in her life. Pregnant women experience many different changes in their bodies, but they also begin to understand what it means to be a mother. It's not just that, but it's much more!

There are many new things that come to pregnant women during this period, especially parents of babies who are going on their first trip. It is essential that pregnant women know as much as possible about what is happening to them and their babies. Since we all have our cell phones, we have all the information we need.

That's why we've created a list of some of the apps that pregnant moms will love.


Sprout is a wonderful tool that allows users to know in detail what is happening with their babies at each stage of their development. It shows you images that show how the fetus is growing and how it looks in relation to other objects, so you can calculate its size and weight.

Christmas Gifts

My Pre-Christmas is a great app for those who want to know everything that is reliable. My Pregnancy is an app that helps pregnant women find answers to their questions. The application was created by students at the Faculty of Medicine of Minas Gerais, Brazil. This helps women understand what is happening to them and what they should expect from their babies. It has a contraction counting function and a calendar so pregnant women who are having difficulty counting the weeks of pregnancy will know exactly when the baby is due.

Hello Belly! is definitely one of the apps that expecting mothers will love. He sends you sweet messages every day, even when the baby isn't born.
Many pregnant women will love this app. This helps them understand how to take good care of themselves and their babies. This is because the app constantly sends you messages that are happy, just like a newborn sent you a message.

My Baby Today

My Baby Today is a very special app that helps mothers track their baby's pregnancy and provides them with updates on what is happening to them during their pregnancy.

This app gives you information about a pregnant woman's body and the baby's development, as well as giving some useful tips for the mother. Additionally, users can take photos of their own belly and friends with other pregnant women. But not there. When the baby is born, you will also receive messages about what you should do and how your baby is doing. When your baby is born, you will receive messages that you can use to help you prepare for their arrival. These messages contain information about when to eat, when to sleep and what to wear.

Hello Baby!

Hello Baby! This is another pregnancy app that we think all pregnant women will love. It allows you to send messages to your baby and

other loved ones.
Here are more of the apps that expecting moms will love, as well as future babies. This app is in English but contains some useful tips. It uses simple language that can be easily understood. It is easy to use and also has a beautiful design.

What to expect during pregnancy? How to have a healthy pregnancy?
Here is another pregnancy app that is different from the others. Its main objective is to help women who are expecting a baby to have a healthy pregnancy and to think positively. It contains, for example, guided meditations that can help pregnant women sleep better at night, reduce stress, and increase the bond between mother and child.

Fit Moms

Fit Moms gives pregnant women a lot of useful and helpful information.
Being physically active during pregnancy is one of the most dreaded topics for pregnant women. Of course, many pregnant women will love this app. It provides some useful information about exercise, breathing, and even some useful information about what foods to eat.

The baby kangaroo.

Kangaroo is an app that helps pregnant women who are trying to get pregnant, those who are pregnant and those who have already had a baby. In this application you will find a complete guide that includes various information and tips for mothers. Its main goal is to empower pregnant women and promote healthy births.


Peanut, which is often called “Mothers” Tinder, is an app that brings women who have similar characteristics closer. There are several criteria that must be met. Some of them are single mothers, women with children with special needs, and work similar hours.


Our final article gives tips for pregnant women to use apps that allow them to track their growing belly and take wonderful photos. CinemaMama helps you take beautiful photos by ensuring you always take them from the best angle. It allows pregnant women to create beautiful portraits and calendars, and even make videos.

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