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New DMV Online Auction

The new year has started, and this could be a great opportunity to buy a car.

Next Tuesday, the Transport Department of the State of São Paulo (Detran-SP) will carry out a vehicle auction in the city of Ribeirão Preto. 342 cars will be sold to interested parties.

This auction is online. The venue for the event will be Pátio Transerp. understand more!

Bids to participate in this auction are open to the public from December 27th. The closing will be this Tuesday, at 10 am, according to the agency responsible for transport in the state of São Paulo.

In this case, those who still wish to bid must access the Sumaré Auctions main page. A total of 342 cars will be auctioned.

Detran SP Announces Internet Vehicle Auction; Find out how it will work
Detran divides vehicle auctions into six different categories.

They are: motorcycles with documents (91 lots); motorcycles for disassembly (44); machining motorcycles (5 lots); automatic with documents (73 batches); automatic disassembly (125 lots) and automatic machining (3 lots).

And it's easy to bid. Upon entering the company's website, you will click on the “Register” option located at the top of the screen. Then you have to enter your email and create a password.

Then, mandatory data such as name and cell phone number will be requested, and you must check the terms of use and the “read” option of the privacy and security policy.

The company will send you an email with the next steps. To bid, documents with photo (RG or CNH), CPF, proof of address and selfie are also required.

Legal entities can also bid at vehicle auctions. In this case, the company is obliged to inform the company's CNPJ, proof of address, CPF and RG of the partner.

To access bids, you must select Auction, then you will select Lot. Finally, you will click on “Place your bid”.

Online Vehicle Auction

O departamento de trânsito Detran em parceria com as maiores leiloeiras do país irá leiloar 850 veículos recolhidos por


Os interessados no leilão dos veículos poderão avaliar os carros e motocicletas até a data oficial de fechamento do leilão.O evento será online pelo próprio site de leiloeira. O vehicle auction ocorrerá em três dias de acordo com os lotes disponíveis. Todas as informações estão no link abaixo.


Como Participar do Leilão de Veículos?

Para participar do leilão de veículos bastar se cadastrar no site, verificar o veículo ao qual esta interessado e dar o lance. Lembrando que para participar existe a necessidade de ser maior de 18 anos.

É muito importante ler todo o edital disponibilizado para estar ciente de todas as condições e valores aplicados.

Vehicle Auction with New Features for this Month!

It is with great satisfaction that we received this visit on our portal, we believe we have the right solution for those who want to trade assets at auctions, we have teams of professionals, duly trained to provide much more comfort, transparency and agility in our auctions.


Our Company is represented by official auctioneers who have extensive experience and credibility in the auction sector. With great commitment, it carries out asset disposal services for companies in different segments.

We have an excellent administrative and logistical structure, office and auditorium for holding online and in-person auctions, with all the necessary material for broadcasting the auctions, e.g. modern computers, sound equipment, photo, video, pulpit, microphone and big screens.

With our operations focused on selling at official auctions of goods such as: real estate and furniture, light and heavy vehicles, machinery and equipment, works of art, tractors, scrap metal, among others, in a transparent manner, with the speed and quality that the market demands from public auctions.


Every day more people are looking for auction vehicles. Maybe because the price is well below the traditional market, or because of the monthly cost-benefit, or maybe for both reasons.

We know that the costs of a vehicle are much lower than any other vehicle. Therefore, often when choosing the best option, people end up opting for the savings that the vehicle brings. These savings are both immediate and long-term as well.

How a Vehicle Auction works!

At a vehicle auction, the person who offers the highest bid for it takes home. That simple! However, you need to pay attention to some very important details.

One of them is that there is no possibility of regretting after buying a vehicle. Therefore, before offering your bid, carefully analyze the vehicles you want. This way, you will certainly be avoiding future problems.

Who can participate in a Vehicle Auction?


  • Be over 18 years old;
  • Have a Driver's License;
  • Have the full money to buy a vehicle;

Important to remember, you only have one payment option, cash! At auction there are no installment options or anything like that.

Can auction vehicles circulate on the streets normally?

Yes! However, let's remember that Auction vehicles have different classifications, and some of them are prohibited from driving on the streets.

Vehicles classified as scrap are prohibited from circulating on the streets. In this classification of vehicles, the only way is to use parts.

Vehicles classified as preserved can circulate calmly, only after regularization.

 Reliable online vehicle auction

There is a huge variety of vehicle auctions on the internet, in fact, much more than you might think. But, let's bring an option from a vehicle auction website, which in our opinion, is very easy to deal with.

This website is Mega Auto Auctions! It is an auction site for different types of vehicles. Be it vehicles, even trucks or heavy machinery.


You just need to enter the website, choose the motorcycle or vehicle option you want, analyze the highest price for the motorcycle, and place a higher bid. Very simple. First, you need to register on the website.

Mega Leilões is a well-known company, it holds vehicle auctions for several banks and financial institutions. So, you can rest assured.

See the publication we have separated for you to learn even more about this world of vehicle auctions.

Detran Seized Automobiles Auction, see the list of upcoming Auctions and participate!

Sabemos que adquirir um automóvel através da modalidade de compra de Leilão é muito mais vantajoso, principalmente se estamos falando do Leilão de Automóveis Apreendidos Detran. Com muitas oportunidades, os leilões trazem vantagens principalmente quando falamos em valor.

O Detran faz periodicamente Leilões de Automóveis apreendidos pela PM (Polícia Militar). Um bom negócio, quando falamos em Automóveis em bom estado de conservação.

Vamos falar mais sobre o Detran e os leilões que ele promove com frequência. Continue a leitura para saber mais!

Sobre o Detran

O Detran (Departamento Estadual de Trânsito), faz parte do SNT (Sistema Nacional de Trânsito) e é de sua competência fiscalizar por todas as atividades de trânsito estabelecidas pelo CTB (Código de Trânsito Brasileiro) e por normatização própria.

São competências do Detran realizar educação no trânsito, como também planejar, executar, coordenar e controlar todas as ações que estão relacionadas à habilitação de condutores, documentação e serviços para Automóveis.

Além disso, o Detran faz estatísticas de trânsito e também o gerenciamento da autuação e de toda arrecadação de multas.

O maior objetivo do Detran é fazer todas essas atividades com extrema qualidade, eficiência e transparência, contribuindo para a vida de toda a população.

 Leilão de Veículos Detran

Antes do Automóvel ser liberado para leilão, o dono é notificado e tem prazo para retomar o bem. A notificação é realizada por meio de edital publicado no Diário Oficial do Estado, no portal do Detran. Caso o prazo legal passe e não havendo nenhuma manifestação do dono, o Automóvel é encaminhado para leilão.

É de competência do Detran a responsabilidade somente por Automóveis retomados pela Polícia Militar, em ambiente urbano, por infrações de competência do Estado fiscalizar e intervir. Entre eles: racha, manobras perigosas, falta de licenciamento do automóvel, veículo sem placa ou com a placa ilegível.

Automóveis retomados por estacionar irregularmente, por exemplo, são de competência das prefeituras. Aqueles retomados em estradas são de competência dos órgãos que agem nas rodovias, como o DER (Departamento de Estradas de Rodagem) e a PRF (Polícia Rodoviária Federal).

Automóveis removidos por envolvimento em crimes são totalmente de competência da SSP (Secretaria da Segurança Pública). E por último, aqueles Automóveis que possuem pendências judiciais são de competência do Poder Judiciário.


Quer ficar por dentro dos próximos Leilões do Detran SP? Clique here para saber.

en_USEnglish (United States)