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Apps to measure blood pressure

Para los que sufren de hipertensión, es muy importante tener siempre controlada la presión arterial, evitando accidentes cerebrovasculares y otras complicaciones.

Además de la ayuda médica, puedes utilizar la tecnología para ayudarte en este control, a través de apps para la presión arterial.

En el artículo de hoy te traemos algunas de estas aplicaciones. Compruébalos.

Apps to measure blood pressure

Algunas aplicaciones son excelentes ayudantes a la hora de mantener la presión arterial bajo control, especialmente para los hipertensos. Compruébalos:

Health Monitor

La aplicación Health Monitor ofrece la posibilidad de medir la presión arterial a través del monitor de funcionamiento Linktop.

El dispositivo capta, además de la presión arterial, la temperatura corporal, la frecuencia cardíaca y el nivel de oxígeno en sangre.

La aplicación puede descargarse en android, a partir de la versión 4.3.

Tensión arterial SmartBP

Con una interfaz intuitiva, SmartBP ofrece la posibilidad de controlar los cambios en la presión arterial. Además, la aplicación aporta los resultados del tiempo de medición, el pulso y la posibilidad de incluir el peso.

La aplicación recoge la información y la pone a disposición en forma de gráficos y estadísticas, mostrando la hora y la fecha de la medición, lo que puede ser útil para compartir con el médico.

Entre las funciones de la aplicación están:

  • Registro de la presión arterial sistólica y diastólica, la frecuencia del pulso y las mediciones de peso;
  • Presenta una clasificación automática de las mediciones registradas, siendo presentadas por diferentes colores para una mejor visualización;
  • Posibilidad de utilizar etiquetas para personalizar los síntomas, la medicación en uso y las notas;
  • Calcula el IMC (Índice de Masa Corporal), la PAM (Presión Arterial Media) y la frecuencia del pulso;
  • Muestra las fechas y horas de las mediciones y sus cambios;
  • Permite incluir la altura y el peso;
  • Posibilidad de crear varios perfiles.

Los registros y análisis pueden compartirse por correo electrónico, lo que facilita el tratamiento de enfermedades como la hipertensión.

La aplicación SmartBP Blood Pressure está disponible en android and iOS.

bpresso – Tensión arterial

La app bpresso recoge y analiza las mediciones de la presión arterial del usuario, registrando también actividades relacionadas como el pulso, los medicamentos en uso, el esfuerzo físico y el peso del usuario.

La aplicación presenta los datos en forma de gráficos y estadísticas, que ayudan al médico y al paciente a controlar mejor el tratamiento de la hipertensión, por ejemplo.

En la aplicación, puedes grabar:

  • Presión sistólica y diastólica;
  • Pulso;
  • Lugar de medición;
  • Fecha y hora de la medición;
  • Posición del cuerpo durante la medición;
  • Medicamentos en uso: como nombre y dosis;
  • Peso;
  • Si hubo esfuerzo físico, registrar la intensidad, el tipo de esfuerzo y la duración.

Los resultados, mostrados en estadísticas y gráficos, muestran la fecha y la hora, por ejemplo:

  • Periodo del día: mañana, tarde, noche;
  • Rango de presión: baja, alta, hipertensión, normal;
  • Lugar de medición;
  • Posición.

La aplicación también permite:

  • Sincroniza los datos con otros dispositivos;
  • Acceda al análisis y los gráficos desde el sitio del bpresso;
  • Imprime los informes y resúmenes;
  • Conecte un medidor de presión inalámbrico, como iHealth y Withings;
  • Comparta los datos con su médico.

La aplicación se puede descargar en android.

Applications to control blood glucose

Cardiologists create an application to control blood pressure

According to the Ministry of Health of Brazil, in the survey published in 2017, around 141,878 deaths were related to hypertension or related causes. The most aggravating factor of these data is that among these cases, the 37% is personas under 70 years old.

This data comes to confirm that, year after year, the hypertensive disease has been affecting more people and reaching young people, which is very worrying.

Creation of doctors

Faced with this panorama, cardiologists in Brazil have developed an application to help in the treatment of hypertension in their patients.

The application is like a diary arterial pressure controll, where the patient records his prison measurement data.

AMPA Application

The application AMPA (Automatic Blood Pressure Measurement), developed by the company Beliva, is available free of charge in application stores.

With it, users can record their daily blood pressure measurements, adding data such as age, weight and other health problems such as diabetes and cholesterol levels.

“In this case, AMPA is very useful in helping doctors control the hypertension at a distance. The application also allows communication between the professional and the patient. But it's worth saying: anyone can access and download the tool.”

“The APP allows the user to enter the data of measurements carried out with their own device at home and receive the data of these measurements. Once listed, you can send it to your trusted doctor for evaluation”, says Audes Feitosa, one of the creators of the app.

Several cardiology clinics of the country has reached the application, surpassing the mark of 1,000 clinics. This number indicates that the doctors approved the request.

The application allows the doctor to control the patient's health status remotely, outside the doctor's surroundings, on a daily basis. Furthermore, it helps with the diagnosis and prognosis of hypertension, and shows the results of treatments and therapeutic interventions.

The application was conceived in the city of Recife, state of Pernambuco, with the support of the Japanese company Omron Healthcare, of medical devices.

The cardiologists who conceived the application came from the following Brazilian states: Pernambuco, Alagoas, São Paulo, Río de Janeiro, Río Grande do Sul and Goiás. Sons: Andréa Brandão, Audes Feitosa, Marco Mota, Weimar Sebba and Roberto Miranda.

The AMPA application can be downloaded to systems android and iOS.

What is the best app to see blood pressure?

There hypertension It is a disease that affects the entire world, with around 38.1 million people suffering from the disease in Brazil, according to the IBGE investigation, through the National Health Encounter.

Furthermore, in recent years, hypertension has increased among younger people, something that was previously considered a disease of older people.

In addition to medical help, essential for him illness treatment, you can count on the support of apps to control the pressure and help with the quality of life.

Blood pressure

There blood pressure This is the pressure that occurs inside the arteries, promoted by the blood in the past. Strength is defined by the bark of the heart, by which it pumps blood into the body.

Blood pressure can be measured and is made up of two numbers:

  • Systolic pressure: this pressure is released when the blood is pumped;
  • Diastolic pressure: This pressure is exerted when the heart relaxes between barks.

Therefore, blood pressure values are measured in millimeters of mercury. For example, a pressure of 120/80 mmHg would be popularly called 12 by 8. In this case, 120 is the systolic and 80 diastolic pressure.

The best blood pressure application

The application we are going to recommend is AMPA (Self-medication of Arterial Pressure). It was developed exclusively by Brazilian cardiologists to improve treatments for their patients.

The application is an excellent way to help a doctor online. diagnosis, prognosis and therapeutic control of hypertension in the surroundings it was the consultation.

It also helps patients to have more access and control over their own health, visualizing their progress through the application on their mobile phone.

With the application, patients can record their daily blood pressure measurements, the time and closing time at which they are taken and can add additional information about their health, such as their cholesterol level and whether they suffer from illnesses such as diabetes.

The AMPA app stores all recorded data and can be shared later with the doctor before appointment, which will greatly improve care and treatment of hypertension and other health problems.

The pressure must be measured with the help of a sphygmomanometer manual or digital, at home or in a health home, every day, for better data analysis. Remember that the application considers high blood pressure measurements above 130/85 mmHg.

The AMPA application can be found for download on both operating systems, android and iOS.

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