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How to put music on whatsapp status

See in today's article, how to put song on whatsapp status, being able to make your status more personalized, with the songs you prefer.

You may have already seen that it is now possible to add background audio to the app's status.

This feature has already existed on Instagram for some time, and you can put Spotify music in stories, but in other apps it is still not possible.

Although the messaging app is from the same company as Facebook, the function of placing song on whatsapp status it is still not possible in a simple way.

Therefore, the user needs to record a video putting the desired audio in the background, in order to be able to share his clip with the music he wants.

This occurs in the same way as it did for Instagram and Facebook stories before the new Spotify partnership functionality existed.

Thus, the chosen song can be played with an excerpt of up to 30 seconds in the temporary post that can last up to 24 hours in the status.

This feature can be used in systems android and iOS, without losing any audio quality,

If you are recording in public, we recommend using headphones.

Audio capture will be performed in the same way using headphones.

Adding a song to the status

Initially, you must open a music app, which could be, for example, Spotufi, Deezer or Apple Music.

Now, choose a song to put in the status and play it.

open your Whatsapp and check if the player is still active at the top of the screen.

If you only want to record the music, cover the camera with your hand to make the screen black.

If you want to make a video, record it normally with background music playing.

When finished, you will have your video with the audio that was played by the player.

You can further customize it by adding drawings, texts and emojis to your clip for the status of the Whatsapp.

Adding music in another way

As a second option to add music to the status, insert it separately using the editing app CapCut, which is available at android and iOS.

Open the app once installed and tap “New project”.

Then select an already created video from your gallery and insert a song for your video status clip. Whatsapp.

Scroll to the bottom of the screen and tap "select", then tap "audio".

Now, tap on “sounds” and select the music you want, this can be from the app's gallery or your personal device gallery.

To finish this process, tap an arrow icon and transfer your chosen song to the app, using the “+” option to finish.

You can swipe right and left on the blank part of the track.

Thus, we can better help the music in the video.

At the end, you can export the creation by tapping on the explore symbol, which is located at the top right of your screen.

See how to put photo with music in WhatsApp status

Se você é um usuário assíduo do Whats e outras redes sociais, já deve ter percebido que não é tão simples colocar uma foto com música no status do aplicativo de mensagens.

Ao contrário de alguns outros apps, como o Instagram, o WhatsApp não possui anexo de música diretamente no status.

Sendo assim, uma opção para os usuários que desejar colocar suas fotos musicadas, podem recorrer a outros aplicativos, como o InShot.

Aplicativo InShot

O aplicativo InShot, muito conhecido no mercado em seu setor, traz aos usuários uma grande variedade de músicas em sua biblioteca.

Com ele, o usuário pode criar vídeo com fotos da galeria e adicionar a elas a faixa de música que desejar, tendo algumas sugestões do app.

Adicionando música à fotografia com o app InShot

Para adicionar músicas às suas fotos no app InShot, é só seguir os passos abaixo:

  1. Abra o app InShot;
  2. Selecione a opção “Vídeos”;
  3. Selecione “Novo;
  4. Selecione uma imagem;
  5. Clique na opção “Música”;
  6. Selecione uma música da biblioteca do app;
  7. Clique para ouvir a faixa selecionada;
  8. Toque no ícone “Download” ao lado direito da tela;
  9. Selecione “Usar”, para assim adicionar a música na tela de edição, junto à fotografia;
  10. Ajuste o áudio na parte desejada;
  11. Use o botão “Split” para cortar o áudio do tamanho e lugar desejados;
  12. Após terminar, é só pressionar no botão de seta no canto superior direito;
  13. Escolha a resolução e taxa de quadros;
  14. Clique em “Salvar”;
  15. Pronto, o vídeo estará salvo em sua galeria do celular.

Postando a foto com música no status do WhatsApp

Para adicionar no status do WhatsApp o arquivo que você acabou de criar pelo InShot, siga o passo a passo a seguir:

  1. Abra o app do WhatsApp;
  2. Toque na aba “Status”;
  3. Toque no ícone da câmera;
  4. Selecione, em sua galeria, o vídeo que acabou de criar no InShot;
  5. Edite o vídeo com textos e adesivos, se assim desejar;
  6. Quando finalizar a edição, selecione o ícone de seta para assim publicar sua foto com música no status.

O aplicativo InShot está disponível para android and iOS.

Outra forma de adicionar música à fotografia

Existe outra forma, que não com o app InShot, para adicionar música às suas fotografias. Siga os passos a seguir:

  1. Faça download de algum app de streaming, como Spotify and deezer;
  2. Escolha uma música e deixe-a tocaando;
  3. Abra o WhatsApp;
  4. Clique para adicionar nova postagem na aba do status, abrindo a câmera;
  5. Enquanto a música toca no app de streaming, grave um vídeo normal, ou então coloque a mão na câmera para ficar escuro;
  6. Depois de feito, você poderá compartilhar o vídeo com áudio ou adicionar uma foto com o aúdio captado.

Melhorias do WhatsApp Plus:

How to post music on whatsapp status

WhatsApp does not have the ability to post photos with music in statuses, like Instagram and Facebook. Even sharing the Story saved from Instagram with the music, when it is posted on WhatsApp, it does not emit any sound, just the photo. And there are apps to make this type of posting easier.

In this post, we will show you two ways on how to post a story with music on WhatsApp.

With music apps

By partnering with music apps, you can record video including music in the background of your post. See below how to do it.

  1. If you don't have one of the music apps installed on your cell phone, search the Play Store or App Store and download it, Spotify, Deezer or if your cell phone is iOS, access Apple Music.
  2. Enter the app, choose the song you want and play it on your device.
  3. Access WhatsApp and open the status camera to post a status.
  4. The music will continue playing. Record a normal video or cover the camera so the screen goes black, and start recording.
  5. When finished, you can share the video with the audio played through music apps.

With the Inshot app

  1. Go to the Play Store or the App Store and install the application.
  2. When installed, open the application, select the “video” option and tap “new”.
  3. The app will display your camera roll. Choose the image or video you want and tap “Music”
  4. Press “Songs” and a window will be displayed with the frames available in the application.
  5. To hear the music within each frame, tap on it to play it.
  6. After choosing the song, tap the download icon on the right side of the screen.
  7. Click “Use” to add the music to your video, and then adjust the track to keep the section you want, just drag the bar to the sides.
  8. Cut the part you don't want from the song by clicking on the song track and then clicking “Divide”. Make the music the same length as the chosen video.
  9. When you've finished editing, click the upward-facing arrow icon on the top right of the screen. On the next screen you will have the option to choose the resolution you want and then select, if you don't want to change anything, click on “Save” and the video created will be saved in your phone's gallery.
  10. Access WhatsApp and post the video.
en_USEnglish (United States)