
É muito importante cuidar da nossa saúde e com as alternativas de application to measure pressure essa tarefa se torna mais fácil.

Esses aplicativos ajudam ter o acompanhamento da pressão arterial.


Permitindo registrar os dados da pressão e ter um controle mais eficaz quando for medir a pressão.

Esse monitoramento é importante também para detectar problemas de hipertensão

Por ser uma doença silenciosa, a maneira mais correta de saber se tem algo errado é medindo a pressão constantemente.

E, vale lembrar que os aplicativos são apenas para te dar informações.


And they do not replace the advice of a doctor or healthcare professional.

Vamos te apresentar 3 opções de application to measure pressure who will help you with monitoring to measure blood pressure.

Check it out below:

1- Blood pressure tracker

Initially, I will explain about this application that will help you monitor your blood pressure.


You can record your systolic, diastolic pressure, pulse, glucose and SpO2 data.

It has a calendar that will help you keep track of measurements and you can organize your blood pressure by markers.

Additionally, it gives you a summary of your blood pressure.

What's more, you can also monitor your blood pressure using line graphs.


The application also allows you to save all the information in reports, so you can also share the data with your doctor.

It is available for Android.

2- Smart blood pressure

Now we will introduce Smart Blood Pressure.

That application to measure pressure grava pressão arterial sistólica e diastólica, pulso e peso.

It will also allow you to add details and notes about your measurements using custom tags.

It guides you to manage your blood pressure measurements and track your progress.

You see the data in the form of graphs and statistics and can export all the information into reports.

A really cool feature of this app is that you can create reminders that will help you manage your blood pressure.

This way, you can add reminders like:

“Take medicine” or “measure blood pressure” and have even tighter control.

The application is available for Android and iOS.

3- Blood pressure: Blood pressure diary

Finally, we have this application to measure blood pressure, which is very popular for controlling blood pressure.

It records systolic, diastolic and pulse readings.

With the graphs, you can keep a diary and note the variations in your blood pressure.

You can also compare values from different periods and thus monitor your health more accurately.

In addition, the application also has articles written by professionals.

Therefore you will find very useful information about:

Hypertension, hypotension, measurement, symptoms and causes, treatments, diagnoses and first aid.

This will make it much easier to keep your blood pressure under control.

The application is available for Android.