
Apps that detect different changes in blood sugar levels are being developed to help people manage their diabetes.

The number of people with diabetes is expected to be detectable soon through the use of an app. This is a new way to increase the amount of sugar in your palm.


A study carried out by the American College of Cardiology in New Orleans, USA, showed that there were good results.

When the app was created, it was designed to allow people to recognize their own blood sugar levels.

In this way, the finger tremor that people are afraid of is reduced.

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O Glicométrico é um exemplo notável de aplicativo de medir glicose que integra-se perfeitamente ao Google Chrome.

Com uma interface intuitiva, ele permite que os usuários registrem e monitorem seus níveis de glicose de maneira eficaz. Além disso, oferece recursos de análise para ajudar a compreender padrões ao longo do tempo.

Link de Download para: android & iOS


This is a cardiac app that was developed for the heart rate of a person who had fully developed cardiovascular systems; is also being tested by a researcher at the University of California, USA.

How does it work? An application that detects blood glucose levels based on when the user places their finger under a flash to allow it to detect the pulse of a person with diabetes.

Isso permite que a frequência do pulso seja diferente da frequência do pulso. Durante o estudo de 54 pessoas participadas , mais de olhares . Curiosamente, as diferenças na taxa em que as pessoas com pulso de diabetes são mais frequentes do que as pessoas que não têm diabetes.

After these results, the researchers determined that there were patterns of fluctuation in blood glucose levels and HbA1c levels in other groups of patients.


For this they are able to use different glucose levels in the app to capture wave blood levels.