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Track orders by app

No artigo de hoje, mostramos como rastrear encomendas por aplicativo em seu celular ou tablet, assim, não perderá nenhuma etapa de entrega de sua compra.

Se alguma vez você fez alguma compra online, sebe como é ficar esperando pelo seu produto e não ter muitas informações de entrega.

Então, para não passar por isso, recomendamos que tenha em seu celular um app para rastrear sua encomenda, sendo uma compra nacional ou internacional.

As pessoas, em sua maioria, compram muito pela internet atualmente, isso porque, com a rotina corrida, é mais difícil ir pessoalmente à uma loja física para fazer compras.

Então, para ter mais segurança ao receber o seu produto comprado online, é o ideal possuir um app para rastreá-lo.

Se está esperando por sua compra online ou está pensando em adquirir algum item pela internet, já pode baixar um app de rastreamento para acompanhar a entrerga.

Usando apenas um app, poderá saber todas as etapas que sua compra fará até chegar a você.

Veja a seguir, um dos melhores apps atualmente para rastrear sua encomenda.

Muambator: Rastreio de Pacotes

Nunca antes foi tão fácil conseguir acompanhar sua encomenda pelo celular.

Usando o aplicativo Muambator, usuário pode adicionar o código de rastreios e encontrar sua compra rapidamente.

Quando a encomenda se moviemtnar, o app enviará uma notificação de alerta para o usuário, informando sobre o local de seu produto, desde quando foi feita a compra até sua entrega.

O aplicativo Muambator, permite que sejam adicionados alguns dados ao item rastreado, como o nome do produto e o nome da loja onde foi comprado.

Depois que o app fazer o reconhecimento do código inserido, novas informações serão adicionadas de forma automática.

Ele também mostra as etapas que a encomenda faz através de um mapa, tendo atualizações em alguns pontos, como em um centro de distribuição dos Correios.

No app, o usuário também pode adicionar uma categoria ao item a ser rastreado, a qual será definida pelo próprio usuário no momento do registro desse item no app.

Ele traz muitas opções de notificações das atualizações da encomenda, podendo ser enviadas pelo e-mail, pelo Twitter ou pelo próprio celular.

Com esse app, o usuário não perderá nenhuma etapa que o produto fizer, acompanhando até o seu destino.

Para melhorar, o aplicativo apresenta todos esses recursos de maneira totalmente gratuita.

Ele é perfeito para quem fez uma compra online e sua encomenda será entregue através dos Correios.

O usuário também pode organizar suas compras rastreadas utilizando imagens, tags e outros dados pertinentes.

Ele possui uma interface intuitiva, fácil de entender e usar para qualquer tipo de usuário, ainda que sem experiência.

O aplicativo Muambator: Rastreio de Pacotes pode ser encontrado nos sistemas operacionais android and iOS.

apps to draw

Conheça os melhores aplicativos para desenhar através do celular e do tablet, podendo expressar suas ideias e soltar a criatividade em seus projetos artísticos.

Quando desenhamos, acontecem melhorias em nossa percepção visual e o estímulo da criatividade, aumenta muito nossa concentração e ajuda a melhorar a criação de novas ideias.

Desenhando, nossas habilidades artísticas afloram e conseguimos produzir mais e melhor.

Começar a desenhar é uma atividade que ativa diretamente a criatividade e ajuda a pensar em novas coisas, além disso, favorece no desenvolvimento da coordenação motoras, trazendo noção de espaço e controle do movimento.

Indo aos poucos, uma pessoa que desenha irá adquirir mais facilidade ao manusear os instrumentos de desenho, como o lápis e o pincel para pintura, tendo mais firmeza.

Ao usar sua criatividade, mais terá disponível para criar outros projetos e artes futuramente.

É extremamente prazeroso poder desenhar novas ideias e conseguir representar suas sensações, emoções e sentimentos, e também desenhar pessoas e paisagens.

Tal sensação de prazer é causada pelo fluxo sanguíneo que vai até o cérebro, mais precisamente no córtex p´re-frontal, sendo o local conhecido como área da recompensa, que nos dá prazer através de uma ação, como o sorriso.

Então, confira abaixo os três aplicativos que separamos para você aprender a desenhar ou aprimorar suas habilidades.

Picsart Color Pintar

Como nosso primeiro aplicativo, temos a extensão do app PicsArt, que é um conhecido app de edição de fotos.

Este app que apresentamos, conta com muitos métodos de desenho, além de ter uma interface e funcionamento bem simples, sendo ideal para qualquer tipo de pessoa que queira desenhar.

Ao navegar no app, o usuário encontra facilmente o métodos de desenho em vários níveis, para iniciantes e para os já profissionais.

Ele apresenta muitos recursos, dentre os quais citamos:

  • Mistura de cores;
  • Sobreposições de camadas;
  • Texturas;
  • Criação de tons;
  • Ferramentas de simetria.

Seus pincéis, além de transformarem o desenho, são personalizáveis, permitindo que o usuário escolha seu tamanho, opacidade, ângulo, espaçamento e suavidade.

Ele ainda permite que o usuário crie novas artes a partir de suas fotos tiradas pelo celular.

O aplicativo Picsart Color Pintar pode ser encontrado em android and iOS.

ibis Paint X

Esse segundo aplicativo que trouxemos, está disponível de forma totalmente gratuita, sendo voltado inteiramente para iniciantes no desenho e pintura, trazendo diversos tutoriais.

Se você é uma pessoa que está querendo começar a desenhar, este é, sem dúvidas, o aplicativo ideal para você, pois te ajudará a desenvolver e aprimorar suas habilidades.

O app ainda ajuda o usuário a testar novos estilos de desenho, como o anime (desenho japonês), além de permitir que seu projeto seja registrado através do gravador de vídeos.

Possui muitos recursos próprios e úteis, como os filtros e aplicações automáticas de estilos.

Ele, com certeza, irá te ajudar a criar artes incríveis e a realizar seu sonho de desenhar.

O aplicativo ibis Paint X pode ser encontrado em android and iOS.


Agora, o nosso terceiro e último aplicativo, é um dos mais populares entre os usuário no mercado atual de app de desenho.

Já possui mais de 50 milhões de downloads na loja de aplicativos Google Play.

Ele traz uma interface muito intuitiva, possibilitando a criação de esboços, pinturas e desenhos facilmente.

É bastante utilizado por ilustradores e desenhistas por apresentar recursos personalizáveis e de nível profissional.

O aplicativo Sketchbook pode ser encontrado em android and iOS

Modeling the body in photography

Veja como modelar o corpo na fotografia e ter as melhores fotos para postar em suas redes sociais e ainda melhorar a confiança, conseguindo alterar o corpo e as roupas.

A seguir, apresentamos cinco aplicativos para modelar o corpo na fotografia. Confira abaixo.

Apps para modelar o corpo na foto

YouCam Makeup

Com as ferramentas desse aplciativo, é possivel emagrecer o corpo na foto, melhorar os seios e afinas pernas, cintura e braços.

No aplicativo, o usuário deve carregar uma foto, selecionar Retocar e depois Body Tuner.

Essa ferramenta, permite detectar de forma automática alguma parte do corpo para ser editada, como:

  • Braços;
  • Cintura;
  • Pernas;
  • Seios;
  • Quadril.

Assim, é só arrastar para ter o ajuste do efeito do emagrecimento nas fotos, tendo um resultado imediato.

Tem o recurso Protect, que protege o fundo para não ser distorcido ao se alterar alguma parte do corpo, tornando a edição mais natural.

Assim, ele é um dos melhores apps para esse tipo de edição, permitindo usar filtros de beleza e maquiagem e retocar a pele.

Tem uma excelnete avaliação nas lojas de aplicativos, estando disponível em android and iOS.


As ferramentas desse segundo aplicativo, permite fazer mudanças das mais sutis às mais drásticas em uma foto.

Usando o recurso Shrink, é possível afinar regiões do corpo ao tocar sobre o local.

Quando mais continuar tocando no lugar, mais o corpo irá emagrecer.

No entanto, o aplicativo não tem proteção contra distorção do fundo.

Assim, é recomendável ter cuidado na edição, controlar a intensidade do toque para deixar tudo mais natural.

O aplicativo Everlook está disponível no sistema iOS.

Body Editor Booth Thin & Slim

Com esse aplicativo é possível editar o corpo em uma foto ao arrastar o dedo sobre a área que deseja.

Usando as barras dos lados, pode-se mudar o tamanho do lugar a ser editado.

Ele traz muitas formas de edição, permitindo melhorar os seios, mudar o formato da cabeça e mudar a altura.

O aplicativo Body Editor Booth Thin & Slim pode ser baixado em iOS.


Este app permite a edição de quadris e cintura, através das setas para escolher o tamanho desejado.

Usando seus controles que deslizam, é possível afinar alguma parte do corpo ou torná-la melhor.

Em sua versão gratuita, os recursos do app aparecem limitados, sendo liberados através da assinatura Premium.

O aplicativo Bodytune pode ser encontrado em android and iOS.

Peachy – Body Editor

E esse último app, permite que o usuário faça uma edição automática ou manual do corpo na foto.

No modo automático, o aplicativo é capaz de detectar um local para ser editado.

Em seguida, é possível controlar a edição, movendo para ambos os lados, conseguindo diminuir ou aumentar o local.

Terminando a edição, é só salvar tudo através do ícone de verificação.

O aplicativo Peachy – Body Editor pode ser encontrado no sistema iOS.

App para aumentar internet

Melhorar velocidade da internet

Fastest internet on mobile

Learn how to have faster internet on your cell phone so you can download and access content faster.

We do several daily activities using the internet, always dependent on a stable connection.

So, having a good connection, the person can meet their deadlines and submit work.

Also, we use the cell phone for these daily tasks, needing a good connection on the device.

But we know that finding problems with internet speed is very common, especially when we don't have a WiFi network nearby, which is one more obstacle.

In this case, we need to use mobile data, 3G or 4G, but their slow speed can be frustrating.

With a low speed, it is possible to have a lot of delay in loading, also slowing down downloads, as well as loading pages, sending messages and using applications.

Thus, tasks become more difficult to perform when internet speed decreases.

With that in mind, today we present some tips for you to have the fastest internet on your cell phone. Check it out below.

TIP 01

One of the biggest causes of having a slow internet is having too much cache.

As a first tip, then, we recommend that you clean the cache, through the cell phone storage, and clean the apps.

To complete this task more quickly, you can install an app that performs this cleaning.

TIP 02

Another big reason for having a slow internet is because of the apps.

Our second tip is to try to save data when using apps, such as when using social networks.

Among the social networking apps, one of the ones that consume the internet the most is Instagram, bringing a lot of slowness to the connection.

In this way, in order not to have this excessive consumption, you can resort to a platform that manages the profile in the application, performing basic tasks automatically.

These platforms are generally safe, where the user can schedule their posts, stories and leave automatic messages, so they don't need to open the app all the time.

TIP 03

Another tip to avoid excessive consumption of 3G or 4G, it is interesting not to watch too many long videos, listen to music online and use apps that are heavier.

In addition to these measures, it is important not to download too many, so you will save on the internet package.

That way, you'll have internet to use with your social networks and send and receive messages on your cell phone.

TIP 04

Our fourth tip is that you enable reading mode in the browser, preventing images from being loaded automatically, showing only the text.

So, activating this reading mode, you will be able to save the data, in addition to saving the battery of the device.

TIP 05

Today's fifth tip is that you delete applications that you are not using very often from your device, as they remain open in the background using the internet.

In addition, these apps are overloading the phone's memory unnecessarily.

Apps to understand your dog

Today we will show you apps to understand your dog, which will help when training, in daily living, when playing, helping to maintain a closer bond with the pet.

With the help of technology, nowadays we can get a lot of help for different tasks, as well as for the care of our dogs and cats.

Can you imagine being able to understand your dog better, knowing what its barking means, and still having a place to quickly buy food, toys and everything your pet needs?

That's why today we separate five apps to help you understand your pet. Check it out below.

Dog Whistle

The first app on the list helps pet owners to train their dogs on their own, or even for professionals who train animals.

It has a whistle that has a frequency between 100 and 22 thousand hertz, something that may not be heard by humans, but will certainly make a difference for your dog.

The app is in English, but it is quite easy to use.

The Dog Whistle can be found in iOS.


Today's second application allows you to create a profile to better monitor your pet's schedules and activities, such as meal times and outings.

Through the device's camera, it is possible to capture an image that will help to remember the task that needs to be performed, such as giving the animal medication.

PetMinder can be found for download at iOS.

Dog Translator

The third app will help in understanding the barking of dogs, which, consequently, can help to understand them.

The app, however, is geared more towards entertainment, but that will make interacting with your pet more fun.

The Dog Translator can be found at iOS.

My Cat Friend

As a fourth app, we present this version for cats, in case you also have a cat in addition to a dog.

We all know that cats can be quite mysterious, and sometimes it's difficult to get to know them even if we've known them for years.

So, this app was created to help understand cats, bringing a mini feline dictionary, explaining the characteristics of each breed, temperaments, behaviors, pet care, and other useful tips.

The Meu Amigo Gato app can be found at android.


As the fifth and final application, we present Petlove, which makes it much easier when buying food, toys and accessories for your pets.

It brings a varied catalog of products, in addition to the ease of buying everything online.

Petlove is available at iOS and android.

apps to talk to cats

In today's article, we present two apps to talk to cats, allowing you to better understand your pet and express your affection in a different way.

Many people already use this type of application to talk to their pets.

Can you imagine being able to talk to your cat and understand better what he is trying to tell you?

Test these apps to talk to your cat, creating a more intimate and fun bond with the cat.

Check out the apps to talk to cats below.


The first app we brought uses Artificial Intelligence to try to decode the cats' meows, achieving a better interpretation of the animals' emotions and intentions.

The app allows the user to know the mood of the pet, being able to identify:

  • Happiness;
  • Defense;
  • If you are angry;
  • If you are going to attack;
  • Calling the mother;
  • Calling to mate;
  • If you are in pain;
  • Resting;
  • Shut up;
  • Warning sign;
  • Wanting attention.

This app features a free version, allowing access to the translation mode, but containing only three types of interaction available.

Thus, if the user is using the free mode, and the cat's meow is identified as being of another type that is in the paid mode, the screen with the information will be blurred.

So, with the Premium plan, the user can train the application to identify the cat's vocabulary, using the auto-translate mode.

This plan also allows the user to have a history of translations performed and recordings made through the app.

Knowing that each cat has its own vocabulary, especially with its owner, the Premium plan allows you to train the app to identify these patterns.

To do this, just choose a context in which the owner is already sure of the cat's intention, such as when he is asking for food.

The Premium version allows the cell phone to become a smart speaker for cats, through the MeowRoom mode.

It is also possible to connect more than one device to an account, and everyone who is connected will receive notifications of the pet's translations.

That way, even if the person is not with the animal, if someone who is connected to the same account has the pet, everyone will receive these translations.

The subscription price for the Premium version of this application is 2.99 USD, which is charged by Google Play or App Store accounts, with the subscription being automatically renewed monthly.

If the user wishes to cancel and stop renewing the subscription, he must deactivate it up to 24 hours before the end of the plan period.

This can be done by configuring the account in the app, which can be done after making the purchase.

During the period in which the subscription is in force, it will not be allowed to cancel it.

The MeowTalk app can be found on systems android and iOS.

Talk to cat! Simulator

The second application already brings the idea of a simulator for the language of cats, imitating meows when the user says something.

This means that the user must say a sentence in the application, and thus the app will simulate the meows for the cat.

To do this, choose the icon with the cat command and speak the phrase you want into the microphone.

But remembering that this application is more like a joke, simulating meows for a more fun and creative interaction.

the app Talk to cat! Simulator is available through amazon.

VidMate app to download and convert videos

Today we'll talk more about the VidMate app to download and convert videos directly to your cell phone, being able to choose the image quality, with compatibility with different platforms.

This application is free, and its purpose is to help download videos from websites.

The app is compatible with platforms such as Facebook, TikTok and YouTube.

App VidMate

VidMate had its first version debut in the year 2014, and it has had an increasing popularity.

With it, the user could download videos from some sites, in addition to being able to convert everything into mp4.

The following year, 2015, the second version of the app was launched, becoming even more popular among Internet users.

It already supported more sites, and the user could choose the quality of HD videos.

The 2016 version introduced several new features, increased video quality and bug fixes.

In 2017, a new version was released, also with corrections and improvements, also bringing new features such as the ability to control video playback quality and manage downloads.

Already in 2018, the application underwent the usual improvements, in addition to having received the video search feature and player customization.

VidMate 2019 gained support for more sites, had bug fixes, improved video quality and added the dark theme option.

In the three following versions of the years 2020, 2021 and 2022, the improvements were more basic, with improvements in resolutions and bug fixes.

Now in that year, the VidMate 2023. See below for their improvements.

Features of VidMate 2023

  • More video resolution options;
  • Supports MP3;
  • Fast download;
  • Play videos;
  • Sharing even in offline mode.

This new version of the app is an app to download and convert professional videos, in addition to allowing you to convert media into mp3.

Thus, through the app, the user can enter the websites, search for the videos, and download them in the resolution they prefer.

It's also great for downloading music and can be searched by artist name or song name.

And, even if a song is paid for, the app allows the user to download it for free.

The user can always choose the quality of the video.

The downloads are done quickly, taking only a few seconds to complete, and so the user can now play it.

The user can also share all downloaded media even when offline.

Compatible sites

Below is a list of websites compatible with the VidMate 2023 app:

  • YouTube;
  • TikTok;
  • Instagram;
  • Dailymotion;
  • Tumblr;
  • Vimeo;
  • Funnyordie.

Through these sites, the app allows you to download videos and convert them all into mp3, if the user wants to.

The app is also compatible with six more music platforms.

For the user to see videos from other sites, he can click on the download button located on the views page, and thus have the mp3 file.

All media downloaded through the VidMate app can be played and shared online and offline.

More about the VidMate app

The VidMate app was developed as a tool for users to easily download and convert videos from the internet.

It is still possible to find the APK of previous versions, but it is worth remembering that the 2023 version is compatible with 4G and 5G.

In this new version, the user can still search using keywords.

Everything that is downloaded and converted by the app is saved in the VidMate folder, which is in the cell's memory.

Ride app 99

In today's article, see more about the 99 hitchhiking app, where you can get rides at lower prices, quickly and safely during the journey.

The 99 ride app is one of the best known in the e-hailing service market, which is when a company acts as an intermediary between shared vehicles and customers.

Through just a few clicks, the user can find an available vehicle to reach their destination, also finding promotions and various forms of payment.

Advantages of the ride-hailing app

Below, we have brought some advantages of the 99 application. See below.

  • options

The first advantage that we present are the choices in how to move around the city using the app.

With it, the user can opt for private vehicles, taxis or cars chartered by companies, having a business voucher.

  • More security

The 99 app also offers a lot of security for the user, because all drivers who offer services through the app must go through a very rigorous selection process.

In addition, the vehicles used are also inspected by the app, taking into account the users' own evaluations in relation to the cars.

  • fairer rates

The 99 brings an option with fairer transport rates for the user, with more economical options.

It presents all its values transparently, showing the user the estimate of his run before the user confirms.

It also presents a new resource, which allows the user to follow the price of his ride in real time.

  • smart wallet

Another advantage are the coupons that the app brings, presenting the best discounts, which are generally applied automatically.

Thus, the user should always pay attention to their inbox so as not to miss any useful discounts that the app offers.

All discounts can be used by a card or an account in the PayPal app.

  • Easy to use

This application is also very easy to use, with an intuitive interface.

In this way, the user must open the app, choose their destination and the rest is up to 99.

Featuring advanced technology, the application manages to find the best driver for the user's trip, with a quick process.

The app also allows the user to chat with the driver through the app chat, being able to send audio and text for free.

Application 99 can be found for download on operating systems

Free dental implants in Greece

In today's article, see how to get free dental implants in Greece, whether you're just a tourist in the country or already a resident.

We know that dental implants are becoming more and more popular in Greece, so it is becoming easier to get them for free.

To be able to obtain free dental implants in this country, we advise you to check the possibility with your insurance company.

Several of these insurers carry plans for their customers that may cover the cost of dental implants, so it's worth checking with your provider.

Even if you cannot get the cost of dental implants covered, there is the option of seeking a discount from your provider by applying for inclusion in your plan.

It is also possible to get free dental implants through programs in the country.

These such programs are usually run by non-profit organizations and may offer dental implants for free or provide discounts on the cost to people who meet certain criteria.

It is therefore important to research more about the programs and their availability in your region.

If you can afford even a little of the cost of the implants, other forms of discounts may be available.

More programs in the country may offer such discounts or free dental implants.

One can also look for dentists who offer discounted fees for people who cannot afford the costs.

But whichever option you choose, you can get a free dental implant or a considerable discount in that country.

Dig deeper to find programs that can help or dentists that offer discounts, making sure they cover your needs and budget.

So, don't wait to take care of your oral health, look for discounts and free dental implants in Greece.

How to put music on whatsapp status

See in today's article, how to put music on whatsapp status, being able to make your status more personalized, with the songs you prefer.

You may have already seen that it is now possible to add background audio to the app's status.

This feature has already existed on Instagram for some time, and you can put Spotify music in stories, but in other apps it is still not possible.

Although the messaging app is from the same company as Facebook, the function of placing music on whatsapp status it is still not possible in a simple way.

Therefore, the user needs to record a video putting the desired audio in the background, in order to be able to share his clip with the music he wants.

This occurs in the same way as it did for Instagram and Facebook stories before the new Spotify partnership functionality existed.

Thus, the chosen song can be played with an excerpt of up to 30 seconds in the temporary post that can last up to 24 hours in the status.

This feature can be used in systems android and iOS, without losing any audio quality,

If you are recording in public, we recommend using headphones.

Audio capture will be performed in the same way using headphones.

Adding a song to status

Initially, you must open a music app, which could be, for example, Spotufi, Deezer or Apple Music.

Now, choose a song to put in the status and play it.

open your Whatsapp and check if the player is still active at the top of the screen.

If you only want to record the music, cover the camera with your hand to make the screen black.

If you want to make a video, record it normally with background music playing.

When finished, you will have your video with the audio that was played by the player.

You can further customize it by adding drawings, texts and emojis to your clip for the status of the Whatsapp.

Adding music in another way

As a second option to add music to the status, insert it separately using the editing app CapCut, which is available at android and iOS.

Open the app once installed and tap “New project”.

Then select an already created video from your gallery and insert a song for your video status clip. Whatsapp.

Scroll to the bottom of the screen and tap "select", then tap "audio".

Now, tap on “sounds” and select the music you want, this can be from the app's gallery or your personal device gallery.

To finish this process, tap an arrow icon and transfer your chosen song to the app, using the “+” option to finish.

You can swipe right and left on the blank part of the track.

Thus, we can better help the music in the video.

At the end, you can export the creation by tapping on the explore symbol, which is located at the top right of your screen.

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