
The Auxílio Brasil program, which manages and assists families in situations of poverty and extreme poverty, also helps these families to become independent and escape a situation of social vulnerability. Furthermore, it also guarantees a basic income for these families.


Who can receive the benefit?

  • Families in poverty (per capita monthly income between R$ 105.01 and R$ 210.00);
  • Families in extreme poverty (per capita monthly income equal to or less than R$ 105.01);
  • Families under emancipation rule.

How to receive the benefit?


Benefits are paid from the following accounts:

  • Demand Deposit Current Account;
  • Special Demand Deposit Account;
  • Digital Social Savings;
  • Accounting Account (social platform of the program), when the beneficiary does not have bank accounts.

It is also possible to choose to receive the benefit in the accounting account, especially in cases where there is a technical or operational impediment, or even if there is a suspension of the bank account.


What are the objectives of the Auxílio Brasil program?

  • Propose citizenship with guaranteed income and support the articulation of policies aimed at beneficiaries, through the benefits offered by the Unified Social Assistance System (SUAS);
  • Expand the provision of care for children in daycare centers;
  • Promote the development of children and adolescents in situations of poverty or extreme poverty;
  • Promote the development of children in early childhood, focusing on health and stimulating physical, cognitive, linguistic and socio-affective skills, in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 13,257, of March 8, 2016;
  • Encourage children, adolescents and young people to have excellent scientific and technological performance;
  • Stimulate the emancipation of families in situations of poverty and extreme poverty.