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Detran Seized Car Auction, see the list of upcoming Auctions and participate!

We know that purchasing a car through the Auction purchase method is much more advantageous, especially if we are talking about the Detran Seized Car Auction. With many opportunities, auctions bring advantages especially when we talk about value.

Detran periodically auctions cars seized by the PM (Military Police). A good deal when we talk about cars in good condition.

Let's talk more about Detran and the auctions it frequently promotes. Continue reading to find out more!

About Detran

Detran (State Traffic Department) is part of the SNT (National Traffic System) and is responsible for supervising all traffic activities established by the CTB (Brazilian Traffic Code) and by its own regulations.

Detran is responsible for carrying out traffic education, as well as planning, executing, coordinating and controlling all actions related to driver licensing, documentation and services for automobiles.

In addition, Detran carries out traffic statistics and also manages fines and all collection of fines.

Detran's main objective is to carry out all these activities with extreme quality, efficiency and transparency, contributing to the lives of the entire population.

 Detran Vehicle Auction

Before the Car is released for auction, the owner is notified and has a deadline to repossess the property. Notification is carried out through a notice published in the Official State Gazette, on the Detran portal. If the legal deadline passes and there is no response from the owner, the Car is sent to auction.

Detran is responsible only for Cars repossessed by the Military Police, in an urban environment, for infractions that the State is responsible for monitoring and intervening. Among them: car crashes, dangerous maneuvers, lack of car licensing, vehicle without a license plate or with an illegible license plate.

Cars repossessed for illegal parking, for example, are the responsibility of city halls. Those resumed on roads are the responsibility of bodies that act on highways, such as the DER (Department of Highways) and the PRF (Federal Highway Police).

Cars removed for involvement in crimes are entirely the responsibility of the SSP (Public Security Secretariat). And finally, those Cars that have pending legal matters are the responsibility of the Judiciary.


Do you want to stay up to date with the next Detran SP Auctions? Click here to know.

Motorcycle auctions offer an excellent opportunity for savings.

The motorcycle auction is the perfect opportunity for you to make your dream come true, buying a motorcycle at the lowest bids. Motorcycle auctions always bring many advantages, as the motorcycles are in excellent condition.

With this year's crisis, caused by Covid-19, more people are participating in motorcycle auctions because they are a way to acquire goods in a safe and cheap way.

Even so, you should keep an eye on the motorcycle you are buying. If you are looking for a motorcycle to use on a daily basis or parts to replace a part or to resell.

Know the purpose of the motorcycle you will purchase. This will make it much easier, and by following our tips exactly, you can do good business.

What is a motorcycle auction?

The motorcycle auction is a public sale of vehicles (cars, motorcycles, among others) that are in the possession of the authorities.

Motorcycles that are sold at auction can be of different origins. Example, a person was unable to pay for the financing of the motorcycle. For this reason, his vehicle was repossessed.

Another example is even a motorcycle that was seized due to the driver being drunk. In this case, the driver's irresponsibility explains the loss of the vehicle.

Motorcycle auction is an opportunity to save money

The main attraction at a motorcycle auction is the value of the vehicles. After all, who doesn't want to buy a beautiful, well-maintained, quality motorcycle for a lower price? This is possible at a motorcycle auction.

One tip is to decide to save enough money and try to buy a motorcycle at a price that fits your budget. Well, pay attention! Please be aware that financing or paying in installments for the value of the motorcycle at auction is not permitted. One option is to pay cash (even if borrowed) for the motorcycle and then finance the amount to return to the person who lent it.

Buying your motorcycle with low bids

The value of initial bids is a very big concern that buyers have. But we have great news for you! Most auctions start at a very low price. Bringing everyone present the opportunity to buy their motorcycle, preferably at a low price.

If other people are also interested in the same motorcycle, the price may not be that low. However, you can choose a bid limit for each bike you choose. The one with the least interest, and if your bid is the highest, you can win it and take it home.


Click HERE and find out if it's worth buying a motorcycle at auction.

Vale a pena comprar veículos em Leilão?

Muita gente fica inseguro quando ouve falar em compra de veículos por leilão, a maior causa desse receio é por não saber exatamente como funcionam esses leilões e por não saber a procedência dos veículos.

Como esses veículos vêm em valores, na maioria das vezes muito menores do que o valor da tabela FIPE, acredita-se que esses veículos possuem algum problema legal ou mecânico.

Comprar veículo de leilão vale a pena?

Muitos medos e receios são envolvidos quando falamos em leilão de veículos. O primeiro receio é em relação a maioria desses leilões, que normalmente são organizados por empresas e órgãos públicos, além de algumas seguradoras. Vamos te ajudar com os outros possíveis medos com dicas simples.

Vantagens e desvantagens de comprar veículos em leilão

Por ser mais econômico esse tipo de compra, antes de tudo é importante estar preparado, se programar e ter disciplina financeira, pois esse tipo de compra é feita sempre a vista.

Sendo assim, o primeiro passo para comprar um veículo de leilão é possuir um valor guardado que seja suficiente. Em média, é possível conseguir descontos de 30 a 60% sobre valor de tabela Fipe do veículo em questão, mas vale lembrar que nesse caso existe a chance de você precisar gastar com alguns consertos e ajustes.

Se você quer participar de leilão de veículos, é importante acompanhar as agendas dos diversos tipos de leilões.

É muito importante entender que existem alguns desafios na aquisição de veículos por leilão,  como a regularização dos documentos, a necessidade de ir até um evento, que normalmente começa cedo, e concorrer com pessoas profissionais.

Vistoria do veículo

A vistoria é um dos passos mais importantes da compra de veículo por leilão, ela permite que você tenha uma ideia de quanto vai gastar na manutenção do veículo, o que dirá se realmente valerá a pena a compra e se a moto vai  poder suprir a sua necessidade.

Por isso, se possível, é importante levar um mecânico de sua confiança quando for fazer a vistoria, ou pelo menos conhecer mecânica de veículos.

Assim você poderá evitar uma série de problemas e surpresas e ainda consegue fazer a compra por um valor ainda melhor. Tanto é que é bem comum mecânicos realizarem a compra desses veículos, eles fazem a manutenção necessária e os vendam mais caro.

Isso acontece muito com agências de carros, que costumam fazer esse tipo de compra, uma das formas mais fáceis para ter um lucro melhor.

Preparamos uma matéria especial para você. Fique sabendo sobre como funciona os Leilões de Motos recuperadas por financiamentos clicando HERE.


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