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Online Motorcycle Auction with a bid of R$150.00

Online auction has motorcycles with bid of R$150.00. To check all the vehicles and the start date of the auction, just check the entire article and don't forget to read the entire Notice available so you don't have any doubts about the  Online Motorcycle Auction.

Nowadays, many people still have a certain fear or even prejudice about purchasing auction vehicles. Know that most motorcycles and cars are seized due to non-payment of financing installments and can circulate normally around the city.

The Urban Mobility Secretariat is holding an auction with more than 474 vehicles seized, removed and collected more than 60 days old and that were not searched for by their owners, within the deadlines and forms of legislation in force throughout the country.

The procedure for the Online Auction is carried out in accordance with Law nº 8,666, of 1993, Law nº. 9,503, Federal Laws nº 8,078, of 1990, of 1997, Law nº. 13,160, of 2015, Federal Decree no. 21,981, of 1932, Contran Resolution nº. 623, of 2016, as well as related legislation and the Notice made available by the Auctioneer.

Visiting Auction Vehicles

The vehicles and other Lots listed in Annexes I and II of the Notice can be visited by interested parties within the pre-established period on the auctioneer's website. Remember that if you lose this lot, the auctioneer always makes new lots available with seized cars and motorcycles.

Visual assessment of lots in their display locations is permitted, and any other manual procedures, experimentation and removal of parts are prohibited. The photos published on the website are photos taken of the vehicle but do not serve as justification for any type of complaint after the auction of the lot, therefore it is up to the interested party to visit the vehicle before bidding.

In addition to visiting the vehicle of interest in person, the interested party may be interested in another asset, and end up bidding on other vehicles as well, and the photos available are not always of high quality. It would be interesting for the customer to go to the auction yard to carry out a better analysis.

Auction Registration and Participation

All participants must register in advance on the website, as there is a 24-hour deadline for analysis. Registration is very simple, requiring full name, identity document, CPF, address, attaching document with photo and when it is the case of a power of attorney from the legal representative of the Legal Entity or the bidder (Individual), you must have a registered power of attorney in a notary's office for bidding.

The item sold at auction must be removed in its entirety from the yard provided by the auctioneer, with the bidder not being reserved the right to remove only parts and possibly abandon the remainder.

Auction date and time

O leilão será realizado na modalidade on-line, sendo a empresa Foco Leilões responsável pela organização, por meio do sítio eletrônico, sendo tipo maior lance por lote, ou seja, o interessado que der o maior lance será o ganhador.

Find out more about Motorcycle Financing to Make UBS 150

Nowadays, many people are increasingly interested in carrying out financial procedures that fit within their pockets, this is the case with Financing Make UBS 150 which could help many people to have the motorcycle they want, and also not be left in the red.

The Motorcycle is from Yamaha with a market value of 10,190.00 for cash payment plus shipping of (427.00) however, it is not always possible to make all the resources available, so for this reason and for other reasons than the emergence of financing is available.

Financing Make UBS 150 – Find out moreHimself Financing Make UBS 150 discloses important information about how this financing from Fazer would look like, with all shipping included, and you can count on 48 monthly installments of 414.00 or even a down payment of 3 thousand reais and another 30 installments of 395.00

In this option the rates would be 2.29% per month, where in the 1st case it would be a rate of 2.19% per month, in addition, Yamaha guarantees the entire overhaul with a fixed price and an even further 3-year warranty after making the purchase.

To carry out a simulation and learn more about the Financing Make UBS 150 the customer will be able to access the site official, where it is possible to select the city and find the dealership closest to home, facilitating negotiation, and may have some features, with a grace period of 30 days to pay the 1st installment of financing.

It is worth mentioning that the CET calculation is made using the registration fee of 490 reais, where the average value is recorded at 236 reais, all of this demonstrated during the contracting phase, with the option of including financial protection insurance.

The important thing is to not stop researching, and researching possibilities for each financing, making sure to obtain one that fits within your pocket.

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