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Apps to have fun listening to music without an Internet connection

In today's article, see the apps to have fun listening to music without internet connection to have on your cell phone and listen to your favorite songs whenever you want.

The benefits that music brings are known to many people, we know that it helps to control stress, bad mood, helps to bring more energy to household tasks and even relieve pain.

Music is mainly used for the mind, in meditations and for practicing yoga.

But it's not always that you have the reach of the internet that you have your favorite music downloaded on your cell phone.

In this way, it is better to have these applications to have fun listening to music without an internet connection.

After a hard day at work, going out and getting caught in terrible traffic, listening to your favorite music can be the salvation, helping to go through this difficult moment more lightly.

But what to do if we don't have music on our cell phone or internet connection at the moment? Has this ever happened to you?

You don't have to worry about it anymore, because today we separate the best apps to have fun listening to music without internet connection.

See below, the applications that we brought in today's list:


This application is considered one of the best in its category in the current market, bringing to the user a wide variety of musical styles, which can be heard in online and offline modes,

The app has both a paid and a free plan. In the paid plan, the user will have more advantages, such as being able to listen to music without internet access.

Spotify is available at android and iOS.

Apple Music

This app offers the user a 3-month free trial, making it a great streaming app, with more than 75 million songs.

Its main advantage is that it does not display advertising.

Once you have the app on your cell phone, you can use it and cancel it whenever you want, and even save the playlist offline.

Apple Music is available on androidiOS and Windows.


This streaming application gives the user the possibility of organizing their playlist according to their own taste, not starting from something predetermined.

It also sends notifications to the user with the most current themes and latest news from the music world.

Much like Spotify, Deezer only allows subscribers to download music for offline listening.

The Deezer app is available at android and iOS.


This application is, without a doubt, ideal for those who like to travel and for those who like to listen to their favorite music in their free time.

It is also perfect for enjoying the weekend at the beach or in the countryside with your best music.

The service provided by the application is paid, but the user can test it for 30 days free of charge and listen to the songs without being connected to the internet.

TIDAL Music is available at android and iOS.

Amazon Music

This application is aimed at people who like podcasts, the most popular playlists and listening to the most successful songs of the moment.

The app presents the paid service, bringing several features and exclusive content.

It brings as its main functions and features:

  • Does not contain ads;
  • Listen to music offline;
  • Skip tracks whenever you want;
  • Listen to podcasts;
  • Brings integrated functions with Alexa's voice.

Amazon Music is available at android and iOS.


This last application that we brought to the list is for those who like to listen to the songs and also watch the videos, being able to access everything in offline mode.

With it, the user can create his personalized playlist, having the music and the combination he prefers.

Through the application, the user can keep up to date on the new musical trends of today.

It also features an intelligent transfer service, which automatically loads songs according to the user's history.

YouTube Music is available at android and iOS.

See how to listen to music without internet on your cell phone

Today, see how listen to music without internet by cell phone, downloading applications that bring this feature, being able to access your music everywhere. Check out.

Is it really possible to listen to music offline?

Yes! And today we separate some applications that bring this feature for you to download on your cell phone and have access to your favorite songs whenever you want. See below.


As the first application on our list, we present the most famous streaming app today, Spotify, which allows the user to download playlists and listen to their songs without internet.

Its feature of listening to music in offline mode is available by subscribing to Spotify Premium, which has a cost ranging from 9.90 to 34.90 reais.

After such acquisition, just select the “download” button of a song, which can also be albums, playlists and podcasts, and it is ready to be accessed offline.


As the second app on the list, we brought SoundCloud, which doesn't need any premium subscription to listen to music without internet.

So, to listen to music offline with it, just select the “Add to Playlist” function. Then, choose the track you want to hear, wait for it to play in its entirety, thus doing the automatic download.

That's it, now you can listen in offline mode whenever you want.


As our third app, we brought Deezer, which is very similar to Spotify and is also a subscription service app, bringing the feature to play music offline.

To do this, just select the playback track you want to listen to, add it to your playlist and download it to your cell phone.

YouTube Premium

The fourth and last application today is YouTube Premium, which is somewhat different from the others mentioned above, allowing you to listen to music and watch videos without the internet.

To do this, just select the option “Download”, so the videos and songs will go to the cell phone, and can be listened to whenever you want.

This feature is accessible only after YouTube Premium subscription.

How to download these apps?

The applications shown today can be found in the stores of app store and the play store. Below, we show the download links for each app mentioned:

  • Spotify (iOS and Android);
  • Soundcloud (iOS and Android);
  • Deezer (iOS and Android);
  • Youtube Premium (iOS and Android)

Apps to listen to music without internet

Ouvir música é algo que nunca sai de moda e todo mundo, ou a maioria, gosta. A praticidade que a tecnologia trouxe, nos permite ouvir música em qualquer lugar que estejamos.

Existem muitos apps que trazem álbuns completos de milhares de artistas, sendo possível acessar através do celular e outros dispositivos.

Muitos deles, requerem que o usuário esteja conectado à internet para a execução das canções, porém, existe aplicativos que trazem a possibilidade de tocar uma música mesmo no modo offline.

Vamos aplesentar, hoje, os melhores aplicativos de streaming de músicas. Check out.


Nosso primeiro app, o Deezer, é extremamente famoso, e traz ao usuário, a possibilidade de ouvir músicas no modo offline.

Os serviços do Deezer oferecem plano de R$ 19,90 a 34,90, com possibilidade de incluir até seis pessoas da família no plano Premium.

O app traz funções como:

  • Rádio online;
  • Conteúdos;
  • Letras de músicas;
  • Indicações de músicas;
  • E claro, acesso às músicas que desejar e possuir no catálogo.

O Deezer traz a possibilidade de se realizar download de músicas para ouvir posteriormente, mesmo no modo offline.

As músicas baixadas, ficam localizadas em “Favoritos”.

O aplicativo Deezer pode ser baixado no sistema android and iOS.


O aplicativo Spotify, um conhecido streaming de música e de podcast, permite ao usuário fazer download de suas canções favoritas, adicioná-las aos favoritos e listas e compartilhar com amigos e familiares.

Na página inicial (Início), o usuário recebe indicações seguindo seus estilos musicais favoritos. Na aba “Buscar”, é possível fazer uma pesquisa de músicas e artistas, além de podcasts.

Já na aba “Sua Biblioteca”, são listadas as músicas e podcasts favoritos do usuário.

O Spotify, parecido com o Deezer, possibilita que o usuário faça download de músicas e podcasts para ouvi-los depois, no modo offline.

Ele apresenta planos gratuitos e pagos, assim como o plano universitário, onde o estudante paga abaixo do valor do plano convencional.

O app pode ser baixado nos sistemas android and iOS.


O app Tidal funciona de forma muito parecido com os apps anterior, com a diferença que ele traz apenas músicas.

No app, é possível baixar as canções e depois ouvi-las no modo offline do celular. As canções podem ser colocadas no álbum “Minha Coleção”.

As músicas baixadas podem ser acessadas através da aba “Conteúdo off-line”.

O Tidal pode ser baixado em android and iOS.


O app SoundCloud, também oferece a possibilidade de ouvir músicas no modo offline, além de outros recursos interessantes.

Nele, é possível criar listas de reprodução, seguir amigos e artistas, ouvir podcasts, ver notícias e acessar shows de comédia.

Entre seus principais recursos, estão:

  • Descubrir as músicas do momento e os feeds de sucesso;
  • Procurar por faixas, artistas e usuários;
  • Seguir amigos e artistas;
  • Buscar faixas por gênero musical;
  • Ouvir seu streaming em qualquer lugar;
  • Possibilidade de dar play, pause e pular faixas na tela de bloqueio;
  • Inscrever-se com o Facebook;
  • Entrar de forma anônima, sem criar um usuário.
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