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radar alert app

See the most used radar alert app today, which has been downloaded by users more than 5 million times.

We present the Coyote app, one of the pioneers among apps that warn about speed cameras on the roads.

This app makes life easier for the driver, showing the locations of speed cameras and alerting you to other incidents on the roads via your cell phone.

Anyone who owns a Renault vehicle certainly already uses the integrated Coyote app, as do Apple Car users.

Now, Android Auto users will have the chance to take advantage of this excellent application to improve driving.

Use the Coyote app through Android Auto

The Coyote app provides its services for a fee, with no free plans. However, it is very affordable. Check out the application packages:

  • Formula Coyote – 5.99 euros per month;
  • Formula Extend – 9.99 euros per month;
  • Two annual payment packages, one for 65.99 euros and the other for 109.99 euros.

It is the Extend package that brings support for Android Auto, that is, the Formula Coyote package does not have this connectivity with the Android system.

Registered and new users will be able to test this connectivity with Android Auto until July 15th, with a 30-day free trial.

In Europe, more than 50% of all vehicles have the Android Auto system, and the Coyote app has coverage in all countries that make up the European Union.

Therefore, if a person is driving across the continent and crosses country borders, they will not need to worry about encountering speed cameras unknowingly, whether mobile or fixed, as well as having alerts of possible incidents on the roads.

The application's alerts are made in such a way that the user does not need to touch the cell phone to be activated, ensuring driving safety.

Coyote also features a GPS navigator, with recurring updates and showing everything in real time.

Furthermore, the Coyote app features:

  • Speed limit warning;
  • Real-time speed information;
  • Lane change warning on the road;
  • Access to 3D maps;
  • Traffic jam alerts;
  • Alert of works, accidents and other events that affect traffic.

So, the alerts issued by the Coyote app are done automatically so as not to interfere with the vehicle's driving, showing everything in real time, which makes the app one of the best driving assistants.

Download your Coyote app through the system

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