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Application to buy smartphone with up to 70% discount

Check out this article, an application to buy a smartphone with up to 70% discount.

The technological market brings innovations at all times, always with new product models.

These innovations bring a number of useful improvements to the consumer.

present faster processors, more storage space and better cameras, for example.

They rely more and more best resolutions screens, and enhancements such as water resistance, facial recognition, and more.

In addition, a smartphone can, for some people, be a status symbol, which makes the market always bring more products.

To keep you updated on releases and find the best prices, we recommend a great app.

Today, we present the Facily app, which brings excellent smartphones and other products with various discounts.

Below, see how to get the product discounts from the Easy app.

Facility Discounts

Through the Facily app, for the user to get discounts, he needs to create a shopping group.

Then you need to share the group with friends so they can join.

The greater number of friends in the group will bring greater discounts on the app's products.

Facily still brings market products, hortifruti and beverages, beyond the smartphones and computer items.

How to get discount?

See a tutorial to get discounts on Facily app products.

An Android device was used for the tutorial, but the steps can be useful for iOS as well.

check out the step by step to earn discounts:

  • Baixe o aplicativo Facily
  • Opening the app, go to “Login”;
  • Register with a Facebook account;
  • Then go back to the home page;
  • Using the search field, find a product you want to purchase;
  • Opening the product page, go to the “Participate” option;
  • Enter, then, such data: CPF, date of birth, telephone and payment method (you can use the app's gold coins);
  • Tap “Confirm purchase”, and answer the question that appears next;
  • Shopping group will be created, share it with friends via audio or via Twitter, Facebook or WhatsApp.

In the app menu, by going to the second button, it is possible to follow the orders made.

To access the categories, you must go to the third button on the menu.

In the next button, you will find recharges of different services, such as Uber, Xbox, Google Play, and others.

The balance of Golden coins can be viewed on the last menu button.

Such coins are accumulated when a new friend is invited to the app by the user.

It is possible for the user to join groups of other users through the product pages.

Application to buy smartphone with up to 70% discount

Veja hoje, o melhor aplicativo para comprar smartphone com até 70% de desconto.

Com lançamentos constantes de novas tecnologias, modelos de smartphones surgem rapidamente.

As inovações trazem melhorias no funcionamento dos aparelhos, melhorando a experiência do usuário.

Conta sempre com melhores câmeras, com processadores muitos mais rápidos, maior armazenamento and others.

Suas telas ficam com melhor resolução, além de apresentar outros recursos, como a resistência à água, o carregamento wireless e o reconhecimento facial.

Para encontrar um smartphone com um ótimo preço, muitas pessoas fazem diversas pesquisas online.

E, para facilitar essa busca, apresentamos um app que traz as melhores marcas com ótimos descontos.

No app Facily, você encontrará smartphones e outros itens com grandes descontos e promoções.

Vamos agora, ver como receber descontos através do aplicativo.

Facility Discounts

Para o usuário ter descontos em produtos do app Facily, precisará criar um shopping group.

Depois, é necessários compartilhar o grupo criado com amigos.

Então, quanto mais amigos participarem do grupo, mais descontos o usuário irá receber.

Pelo app Facily, além de smartphone e produtos de informática, encontra-se itens de hortifruti, mercado e bebidas.

Como conseguir desconto no app?

Veja agora, um tutorial para ter descontos nos itens do app Facily.

Para o tutorial, foi usado um aparelo Android, mas as dicas são úteis também para o sistema iOS.

Veja agora, o tutorial para conseguir descontos nos produtos:

  • Baixe, primeiramente, o app Facily no celular, disponível em
  • Em seguida, vá até o menu “Login”;
  • Use seu Facebook para se cadastrar no app;
  • Feito isso, retorne para a página inicial;
  • Através do campo de pesquisa, encontre um produto que queira comprar;
  • Abrindo a página do produto, toque na opção “Participar”;
  • Então, informe os seguintes dados: CPF, data de nascimento, telefone e forma de pagamento (o pagamento pode ser feito com “moedas de ouro” do app);
  • Em seguida, toque em “Confirmar compra”, responde também a pergunta que irá aparecer;
  • Assim, será criado o grupo de compras, e o usuário deve convidar os amigos por áudio ou por Facebook, WhatsApp ou Twitter.

No menu, indo no segundo botão, é possível acompanhar o pedido realizado.

No terceiro botão, pode-se acessar todas as categorias de produtos.

Agora, no próximo botão, é possível comprar recargas de serviços diversos, como Spotify, Uber, Xbox and others.

Já no último botão, o usuário pode ver seu saldo disponível de moedas de ouros.

Essas moedas se acumulam sempre que o usuário convida amigos para o aplicativo.

Através da página do produto, é possível que o usuário participe de outros grupos de compras dos usuário do Facily.

Application to buy notebook with up to 70% discount

Check it out today, the application to buy a notebook with up to 70% discount.

Consumers are always looking for best prices and opportunities to buy.

In addition to valuing the quality of the product they will acquire.

So, having a good app to find the product you want is essential.

Today's app brings notebooks and various computer items with great prices.

The Pichau store application brings the best discounts for the user on its products.

Pichau app

With the Pichau app, the user can access several brands of computer products.

In its catalog, the user finds a wide variety of products.

You can also view payment methods and product availability.

The user can configure the app's notifications, and receive offers and promotions launched.

The Pichau app also allows you to track orders and access your purchase history.

registration in the application

See now, a tutorial to sign up for the Pichau app.

We use an Android device, and the tips can also be used for an iOS device.

Check out the tutorial:

  • Download the application, open it and tap on the “My Account” menu;
  • Now, go to “Register”;
  • In the next tab, enter such data: name, surname, CPF, RG (optional), e-mail and password;
  • Thus, the registration will be completed.

In the My Account menu, you can register the default billing address and the default delivery address.

You can still view orders and access customer service.

Search for notebooks in the app

Check below the two ways to find notebooks in the app with the best prices.

The tutorial below was also done with an Android device.

First way:

  1. In the app, tap on the “Categories” menu;
  2. Now, go to the “Notebooks and Laptops” option;
  3. Then tap on “Notebooks”;
  4. In the "Sort by" option, select "Lowest value".

Second way:

  1. In the “Home” menu, at the top of the page, find the search field;
  2. In that space, type “Notebook”;
  3. The best prices for notebooks, parts and accessories will be displayed.

About Pichau

The Pichau store was founded in 2007, operating in the area of computers and electronic equipment.

This area of expertise is very competitive, as it is always growing.

It has a physical store located in the city of Joinville, in the state of Santa Catarina.

It is possible to access the Pichau, and download the app through the systems android It is iOS.

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