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How to get Basic Basket?

Since the beginning of the pandemic in 2020, several state governments in Brazil have mobilized to help families in critical situations.

One of the actions initiated by the states was the basic food basket donation, to help meet the basic food needs of the population that was either already in a situation of social vulnerability, or found itself in a financial crisis due to pandemic.

One of the first states to initiate actions was state of Ceará, followed by others who followed his example of citizenship.

The majority of states that have joined the initiative make payments using a food card that allows citizens to purchase food, and the card can only be used in markets.

In today's article, we will guide you on how to get a basic food basket, let's go.

How to get a basic food basket?

To be able to receive the benefit of the basic food basket, the family must be registered with the CadÚnico (Single Registration), created and updated less than 2 years ago.

In CadÚnico, important data is recorded for the government to define which families really need the benefit of the basic food basket, information such as: number of people in the house, value of family income, existence or not of a member with special needs, among other data.

If you are not registered with CadÚnico or have been registered for more than 2 years without updates, look for the CRAS (Social Assistance Reference Center) in your city.

To check the status of your registration, visit the website CadÚnico.

Brazilian states that carry out the distribution of Basic Basket Aid

Rio de Janeiro

The state of Rio de Janeiro confirmed participation in the basic basket aid, which reaches a total of R$ 500 in Niterói.

To receive the basic food basket in Rio de Janeiro, you must meet one of the following requirements:

  • Have children who study in the municipal education network, even if the family is not registered with CadÚnico;
  • Be a taxi driver, MEI or registered with Empresa Cidadã;
  • Receive Active Search: those who already receive it will continue to receive it for some time.

São Paulo

In the state of São Paulo, the Basket Basic It is only for families that are registered with CadÚnico and are more socially fragile.

The benefit is paid through a food card that can only be used in supermarkets to buy food.

For families in the state of São Paulo who already received a basic food basket, in the month they receive the card they will not receive the basic food basket as before, just the card.

Minas Gerais

In Minas Gerais, families who need the aid are able to receive this support in Belo Horizonte’s own supermarkets.

The city hall will also donate around 240 thousand basic baskets, in addition to hygiene kits.


The state of Ceará, one of the first to join the Basic Basket Aid, focuses on people who work in the tourism sector.

The explanation for this comes from the fact that one of the areas hardest hit by the pandemic was the tourism, due to social isolation, something that greatly maintains the state's economy.

Registration to request assistance for the basic food basket can be done on the website Secretariat of Social Protection, Justice, Citizenship, Women and Human Rights.

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