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The technology will allow people to detect diabetes using the camera on their cell phone.

Ele detecta quando há uma mudança no fluxo sanguíneo no corpo, que é o primeiro sinal de que o diabetes ocorreu, detectando quando o dedo de um paciente é colocado no sensor de um telefone celular. A utilidade e baixo custo desta tecnologia têm atraído a atenção dos especialistas.

Os smartphones são grandes aliados do homem comum, principalmente porque tornam fácil fazer muitas das tarefas comuns que as pessoas têm que fazer.

Os cientistas vêem isso como uma oportunidade para facilitar o trabalho dos profissionais médicos e dar mais poder aos pacientes no gerenciamento de suas próprias doenças.

É fácil para os pacientes ser diagnosticado com diabetes usando uma câmera de telefone celular. A ideia é que um dia, qualquer pessoa com diabetes será capaz de ver se ainda é cedo.

Apresentado na 68a reunião anual do American College of Cardiology em Nova Orleans este mês, o trabalho envolve o desenvolvimento de um algoritmo que permite que os usuários facilmente configurar um aplicativo móvel para identificar sinais que indicam diabetes.

Mudanças no fluxo sanguíneo nas veias e como o sangue flui através delas são detectados usando um dispositivo chamado fotoplethysmography (PPG) que detecta as mudanças.

É possível determinar se há uma mudança no volume do sangue medindo a quantidade de luz infravermelha absorvida ou refletida por um órgão externo que está conectado ao corpo. No caso da solução proposta pelos americanos, a informação é obtida colocando um dedo na lente de um smartphone.

Isso permitirá que os médicos detectem mudanças no fluxo sanguíneo em um determinado vaso sanguíneo.

A forma de onda resultante ajudará os médicos a identificar se há uma mudança no volume de sangue do vaso. Isso ocorre porque, com cada batimento cardíaco, a pressão sanguínea nos vasos sanguíneos aumenta e faz com que suas paredes se contraiam.

A expansão das paredes faz com que mais luz reflita de volta para a câmera. É como se a maior quantidade de luz que é refletida pela pele, mais distúrbios vasculares a pessoa tem.

Mostramos que, usando a tecnologia avançada e as câmeras nos smartphones, podemos detectar mudanças vasculares associadas ao diabetes. O desenvolvimento de ferramentas de triagem que podem ser facilmente implementadas em ambientes comuns pode ajudar as pessoas com diabetes a detectá-lo cedo. É possível identificar mais indivíduos que estão em risco de desenvolver diabetes e reduzir o número de pessoas que não sabem que têm esta doença.


Mais de 54.000 pessoas, que tinham uma média de 45 anos de idade, participaram do estudo online. Os voluntários tiveram que usar um aplicativo que detecta quando seu coração está batendo rapidamente e, em seguida, o algoritmo para calcular sua frequência cardíaca. Testes com a solução que os pesquisadores desenvolveram mostraram que os algoritmos usados pelos pesquisadores eram precisos até 97% do tempo. Após a pesquisa, descobriu-se que, para cada 100 participantes que não foram diagnosticados com diabetes, 97 realmente não tinham a doença, conforme indicado pela tecnologia usada.

Em geral, o uso de PPG identificou com precisão, como indicado na introdução ao teste, o quadro de saúde da pessoa com diabetes em mais de 72% dos casos. Quando os cientistas adicionaram outros fatores de risco para diabetes, como idade, gênero, IMC e raça, descobriu-se que a porcentagem de pessoas que são consideradas diabéticas aumentou para 81%.

Robert Avram, pesquisador da Universidade da Califórnia, disse que testará o algoritmo em duas clínicas cardiovasculares para verificar os resultados de seu estudo. Os pesquisadores também planejam avaliar o quão bem esta tecnologia funciona na detecção precoce da diabetes e testá-la em diferentes grupos de pessoas com base em sua probabilidade de desenvolver a doença. Os algoritmos serão desenvolvidos e colocados em prática dentro de dois anos.


Volanski, um candidato de doutorado da Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR), acredita que os smartphones e outros dispositivos portáteis dão às pessoas mais maneiras de serem saudáveis. Pesquisadores dizem que agora temos equipamentos poderosos que são capazes de ajudar o setor de saúde, diz ele. O Instituto Nacional de Pesquisa Médica do Brasil desenvolveu um aplicativo para ajudar os médicos a diagnosticar os sintomas da diabetes gestacional.

Vandervoort, professor da Universidade de Hasselt na Bélgica e especialista em métodos para monitorar a fibrilação atrial, mesmo em telefones celulares, enfatiza que a tecnologia proposta torna fácil diagnosticar e gerenciar diabetes. As pessoas geralmente possuem smartphones que têm uma câmera (leia mais nesta página). É uma maneira relativamente simples e barata de rastrear um grande número de pessoas que têm complicações que estão se tornando mais prevalentes, como a diabetes, que pode causar problemas sérios.;

Robert Avram lembra-nos que o surgimento da tecnologia para resolver problemas de saúde pode ter um impacto profundo na profissão médica. É importante que os profissionais de saúde entendam como o surgimento de tecnologias de apoio à decisão, como algoritmos, pode ajudá-los a gerenciar melhor sua saúde e recomendar melhorias em seu plano de tratamento. Outros sete profissionais participaram do projeto: cinco médicos que trabalham em áreas como cardiologia e epidemiologia, e um estudante estudando ciência da computação na Universidade da Califórnia, Berkeley.

Online glucose levels what are they?

What is high glucose? What is that?
Glucose is associated with sugar and its level in the blood is called glycemia.

Having very high blood sugar levels not only affects those who consume sweet foods, but it affects everyone who has ever had high blood sugar.

Consuming any food that contains carbohydrates can cause your blood glucose levels to rise because our bodies convert these nutrients into sugar when they are digested. What's important is that you know how much and how quickly your blood glucose levels change.

What is altered glucose? This is a condition that can lead to diabetes.
Glucose levels can be measured in the blood even after fasting or after eating, and the results of these tests will differ.

Changes in blood glucose levels can indicate serious health risks, so it's important that you know the following simple rules when you fast or when you eat too many carbohydrates, to be sure that your doctor has diagnosed the problem correctly.

reference value. What should be taken into account in your diagnosis?
Glucose levels during the 6- to 12-hour fasting period: 70 to 99 mg/dL. When glucose levels rise to 200 mg/dL or more, it is considered diabetes.
Random increase during or after eating a lot of carbohydrates or when there has been a spike in blood glucose (GLU) levels: 200 mg/dL.
There are some abnormalities that occur within these ranges that must be identified before they become a serious problem. They tell you how to modify your diet and how to control your blood sugar levels.

Having a fasting glucose level that is greater than 100 mg/dL is called impaired fasting glucose. We are already diagnosed with diabetes when we reach 126 mg/dL.
In people who have not fasted for a long time, if you have a glucose level that is above 140 mg/dL, you may have diabetes. If you have a blood glucose level above 200 mg/dL, it means you are insulin resistant.
It is very important that you monitor your glucose level at least once a year and pay attention to changes in this measurement and any warning signs that may appear.

Symptoms of high blood sugar: fasting and excessive thirst. Uncontrollable hunger and thirst.
You may not experience any of the symptoms of high glucose, but it may persist for many years. This is why frequent monitoring is so important. It does not always cause symptoms, but if high blood glucose levels are present, they cause damage to the body and organs.

It is very common to have symptoms of having too much glucose, such as: frequent thirst or excessive urination.

  • Having excessive thirst and urine production in the urine.
  • Excess urine production. You may be tired more than usual.
  • Those who are excessively thirsty are extremely hungry.
  • Sudden weight loss when there is no need to reduce calories consumed.
  • Tiredness and frequent and excessive tiredness.
  • They will have blurred vision. They will get tired very quickly.
  • Dry skin, difficulty using the bathroom, difficulty swallowing liquids.
  • Problems with healing.
  • and severe headaches.
  • Dizziness;
  • You may have abdominal pain and nausea.
  • Changes in the way you breathe.
  • more frequent infections. more often with infections.

Symptoms of low blood glucose.
Low blood glucose, or hypoglycemia, often causes symptoms that are serious. It can cause workplace accidents, car accidents and falls.

Symptoms when there is low blood sugar (60-70 mg/dL) are usually mild and many people ignore them. When your glucose is low, it can cause headaches, feel tired, have difficulty sleeping, have difficulty controlling your appetite, and have difficulty sleeping.

If you lower your blood sugar to levels that are less than 60 mg/dL, your symptoms may worsen and cause you to faint, have seizures, or even death.

Low blood glucose can cause many things: feeling tired. Thoughts of suicide, hair loss, skin loss.

  • Headache;
  • Dizziness;
  • Hunger;
  • Changes in mood, weakness, confusion, weakness, confusion, headaches and many other signs of hypoglycemia.
  • Tremor;
  • Pallor;
  • It is very common for people to feel confused and have feelings of being unable to control themselves.
  • Reduced muscle coordination.
  • Low blood sugar levels, as in very low glucose levels or hypoglycemia.
  • Fainting;
  • Symptoms of hypoglycemia include: Feeling very tired and often having seizures.
  • With the.

Hypoglycemia is dangerous because some people lose the ability to tell when their blood sugar is low; When this happens, the person is at risk of falling unconscious or being unconscious. In diabetics, continuous glucose monitoring and control of glucose levels is essential for better control and treatment.

risk factors. The risk factors that lead people to become hyperglycemic are:
Changes in blood sugar levels are closely related to the way people live and act. Eating a healthy diet and regularly getting some aerobic exercise can help control blood sugar levels.

Diabetes can be inherited to some extent, but it is not a disease that is punishable. Having good habits and getting regular tests helps you realize when you are at risk of developing diabetes or help you manage it.

Obesity is another risk factor for diabetes. Long periods of fasting and high-intensity exercise without specialized guidance can lead to hypoglycemia.

What is the difference between diabetes that people develop during pregnancy and diabetes that develops during pregnancy?
Diabetes causes high blood glucose levels in people with type 1 diabetes; It affects men and women, as well as children. It is a very common disease that is not cured, but is treated well. Because of the complications that can occur with diabetes, it is difficult to prescribe drugs and it is sometimes difficult to modify our lifestyles to treat it.

The complications that can occur from having diabetes are directly related to controlling the disease. Diabetics who have good control over their glucose levels have a low rate of kidney, eye and circulatory diseases.

Type 1 diabetes is not an acute disease; It is a chronic disease that can affect anyone.
Type 1 diabetes is a genetic and autoimmune disease that affects children and adolescents. It is characterized by sudden signs and symptoms that indicate your blood sugar is too low. In type 1 diabetes, the body stops producing insulin, the hormone that regulates blood sugar; therefore, treatment is based on insulin injections (subcutaneous injections) or changing your diet and physical activity.

Type 2 diabetes is much more common in adults and older people.
This is the most common type of diabetes, affecting men and women equally, and children less often than adults.

It is highly associated with poor lifestyle habits and unhealthy foods, and also with obesity. There is a certain type of behavior that people are most familiar with because they tend to do things that are consistent with their lifestyle (hedonic eating habits). It is possible to avoid this by changing our habits at the right time. In type 2 diabetes, the insulin produced by the body has less of an effect on blood glucose levels, so it is less effective in controlling blood sugar levels. Treatment may include oral and injectable medications, as well as changes in diet and physical activity habits.

Diabetes that occurs during pregnancy can also affect women with type 2 diabetes.
Gestational diabetes is caused by the fact that diabetes is a common problem that can occur during pregnancy. This term does not include pregnant women who have already been diagnosed with diabetes. So, if in the first trimester your blood glucose levels are high (above 126 mg/dL), you likely have gestational diabetes.

In some cases of type 2 diabetes, due to the production of certain substances by the placenta that are associated with some genetic predispositions of the mothers, insulin is not able to act effectively in controlling blood glucose levels. It occurs in the second or third trimester during pregnancy and must be treated for the benefit of the baby's mother. Excess weight gain during pregnancy is also very important, so exercising and getting good nutritional advice during pregnancy is very important.

This test is indicated by ultrasound of the placenta at around 24 weeks of pregnancy, and pregnant women are tested to see if they have enough glucose tolerance to perform the glucose tolerance test, also known as the glycemic curve test. . The glycemic index is a number that lets you know what your blood sugar levels will be during periods of fasting and after you have consumed some glucose. A pregnant woman may have a normal blood sugar level, but it may also be indicative of gestational diabetes to have a (fasting) blood sugar level that is greater than 92 mg/dl at any time during pregnancy.

Glucose Test with TITAS (Titera – Insulin Test)
This is because the patient can perform a glucose test at home on their own. Allows more frequent monitoring of your blood glucose levels.

Capillary glucose is different from glucose that is accurately measured by a laboratory because the places where the blood is taken are different (capillaries in the fingers vs. venous collection). The analytical method used in each case is different. It is possible for different laboratory facilities to administer different doses of insulin, sometimes up to 20%.

Glycemia during fasting.
Fasting glucose is the measurement of blood glucose levels after you have not eaten or drunk anything for 8 to 12 hours. Fasting must be strict because all foods, whether hard or soft, containing sugar or sweet or salty, can affect the rate at which blood sugar is generated, so avoid eating foods that are very rich in sugar. . It is impossible to control blood glucose levels when fasting for long periods of time, as hormones and other substances stimulate the body to produce more glucose, which causes it to produce higher rates of glucose than expected.

The tests are quick and easy, and are done by taking a quick blood sample.

Normal values are 70 to 99 mg/dl.

Glycated hemoglobin, or a rapidly decreasing amount of red blood cells in the body, causes blood sugar levels to become high.
Glycated hemoglobin, or HBA1c, is a blood test that allows you to see an average of your blood glucose levels over the past 90 to 120 days. It is excellent as a test that allows people to monitor their blood sugar levels and can be used to support a diagnosis of diabetes. Glycated hemoglobin can be used as a screening test and to control diabetes in some patients.

This test does not require fasting to allow collection.

There are no changes in blood glucose levels after a meal.

It allows you to determine the average daily glucose levels for the person and allows you to calculate the estimated average daily glucose levels.

There are well-established goals for controlling diabetes.

It can be interfered by many factors and medications, including anemia, hemoglobinopathies, hyperuricemia, and other conditions that cause a low hemoglobin level. It can also be interfered with by many medications that cause people to have frequent hypoglycemia.

The test is simple and quick, carried out through a blood collection.

Normal for people who are not diabetic is 4.9 to 5.8%.

You can find what an average blood glucose estimate (GME) is in the table that follows. It is the result of a calculation that was made to understand and interpret glycated hemoglobin levels. Note that this is a general calculation and that glucose levels fluctuate throughout the day, making it difficult to calculate an exact value.

Fructosamine is a blood test that allows you to measure blood glucose levels over the last 14 days. A good alternative to changing the HbA1c dose is to test for glycated hemoglobin in patients with blood disorders and other diseases that alter the hemoglobin level, such as anemia and hemoglobinopathies, high urea and triglycerides and frequent use of AAS 1.

1.5 Anhydroglucytol anhydroglucite. In diabetic patients, having high blood glucose levels can be helpful.
It's a blood test that measures how long you've been exposed to high levels of glucose and is excellent as a diabetes control test. It is inversely related to diabetes control: the slower the rate at which sugar levels are increased, the longer the exposure to high glucose levels. Glycated hemoglobin can be useful for diagnosing diabetic patients because it gives us the glucose level we need to start insulin therapy. It cannot help people who fluctuate between hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia and who may have false normal HbA1c levels.

Postprandial blood glucose is the blood test that measures glucose levels after a person has a meal.
Postprandial glucose is measured after a person has a small amount of food and the results are displayed in a table that can be consulted for more details. It is an important indicator for assessing the degree to which people can tolerate glucose, even in people who do not have diabetes.

It is important that blood samples are collected 2 hours after a meal.

If your blood glucose levels are above 140 mg/dL, you should get retested or start making some lifestyle changes to improve your health.

Recommended blood glucose levels for patients with type 2 diabetes vary depending on their age; they are below 160 mg/dl for adults and 180 mg/dL for children, with special variations for groups such as infants, teenagers and the elderly.

Excess blood glucose tolerance test (glycemic curve):
The glycemic curve, TTOG or oral glucose overdose is important in diagnosing glucose problems.

It is a test that takes an average of 2 hours to perform, but the doctor may suggest that the time is longer. It is a blood test that requires taking a number of blood samples at regular intervals.

After the first blood sample is taken, a solution containing glucose is prepared and offered to be taken orally. Using a blood test, you will be able to determine how much blood sugar you need before taking a glucose solution and after eating. This will let you know how fast your body can absorb and process glucose.

Other tests may be performed with glucose and other substances, including tests for insulin or c-peptide. It is very important to have several types of tests to be able to interpret and diagnose glycemic metabolism.

There are no reference values for each time blood is taken, but 120 minutes of excessive glucose intake is the most important test for diabetes. Any result above 200 mg/dl in 120 minutes is indicative of diabetes.

This test does not help you become diabetic, but it can confirm your diagnosis.

It is the main diagnostic tool for gestational diabetes and must be performed at least 24 weeks after birth.

Gestational diabetes is confirmed by special values derived from TTOG, as indicated below. Just one of three changes in glucose level is enough for the doctor to make a diagnosis; is not sufficient for any other test to be performed.

Fasting blood glucose Up to 92 mg/dL
1 hour after OTT with 75g Up to 180 mg/dL
2 hours after OTT with 75g Up to 153 mg/dL

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