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Find out more about Banco do Brasil motorcycle financing

Within the vehicle financing line, Banco do Brasil has the “Motorcycles” option, which is made especially for those who want to request financing for the purchase of motorcycles, new or used. And when simulating BB motorcycle financing, you discover that the credit is available without additional fees.

And it works simply: you make your financing request to the bank and negotiate the motorcycle with the store. If your analysis is approved, the bank pays the amount in cash to the store. Then, you pay in installments for your purchase at BB. And you find out all the values of your installment when simulating the financing previously. In other words, you make the purchase knowing how much you will pay per month.

The big advantage is that when simulating, you can check the interest rates, which are more competitive as they are included in the installments that fit your budget, without harming your budget.


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