
A dramatic accident involving singer Pink's singularities jet ended up generating a huge impact this Tuesday, August 6th. The accident resulted in Denmark, shortly after a concert by the sound professional. Pink, however, did not appear on the jet. Her team's paws, like her business man, were inside the singularities jet at the time it all came together.

Images taken by international agencies show that the jet, which was carrying out the flight at a Danish airfield, ended up leaving the runway. As a result, the jet ended up catching fire. In total, at the time of the accident, there were ten individuals on the jet.


The singer Pink is on a world tour and, therefore, is traveling in several countries, needing a plane to facilitate her travels. She is one of the most beloved artists in the world today.

Despite the commotion, Pink and the businessman would be fine, say websites around the world

“Pink was not on the sidelines, but her businessman and several members who work on her tour were. Everything ended well,” local concert promoter Kristin Svendsen told VG newspaper. None of the individuals who appeared on the jet were injured. The situation, however, became an explanation throughout Brazil and the world.

Remembering that the singer Pink is one of the confirmed attractions at Rock in Rio and, even in this way, here in Brazil the subject had a great echo on social media. At first, fans were scared, as the first news only talked about the accident, but it was not clear whether Pink appeared on the plane at the time of the accident.