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Sovellukset verenpaineen mittaamiseen matkapuhelimella

Following the advancement of technology and authorization from the Korean Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS), it is now possible to measure blood pressure through your mobile device.

The user only has to press his finger on the camera for a few seconds. Check out the applications for measuring blood pressure with your cell phone.

Technology is constantly developing, bringing improvements to assist and facilitate the health surveillance process.

Several applications have been created to help many people in the control of possible hypertension, know the applications to measure blood pressure by cell phone.

– Health Monitor

The Health app is available on Android and is responsible for monitoring blood pressure.

Through this app, Galaxy Watch Active2 owners can use smartwatches to measure blood pressure.

The watch analyzes the pulse wave through a built-in sensor and determines the result through the relationship between the calibration value and the change in blood pressure.

In a statement, Samsung said that the use of a traditional bracelet is required for calibration.

– SmartBP

It is a blood pressure monitoring application that is available on both Android and iPhonewith an intuitive and easy to use design.

With the help of the application, you can monitor the dynamics of blood pressure changes in the form of graphs and statistics according to time and date.

Monitoring is easy. You can record your systolic and diastolic blood pressure, measurement time, pulse, weight and pulse pressure.

Use simple tools to manage logs: plot, average and export data by e-mail.

The application is designed to be used as a database tool and shared with your physician. This application is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

– Blood pressure (bpresso)

The blood pressure app is available on Android and helps you collect and analyze your measurements and all related activities such as heart rate, medications, exercise and weight.

Graphs and statistics allow you to track results and continuously monitor your blood pressure.

Thanks to the reminders, you will never forget to measure your blood pressure and take the right medication.

The application is only used to record blood pressure measurement values and related parameters.

It is not a substitute for medical consultations, so do not change your treatment plan without first consulting a specialist.

– Blood Pressure

The Blood Pressure app is a software available only on Android that is designed for users who want to monitor their blood pressure and understand high blood pressure.

The program analyzes the data to help you navigate through the numbers and get accurate results.

You will learn more about the treatment of hypertension and can take this information to your physician. All measured values are stored in the database.

The data is exported in two convenient file formats CSV and XML or PDF. The program will notify you to perform daily measurements. You can set filters and choose the parameters to be displayed in your account.

The developer recommends using a tonometer to check the results. It should also be remembered that this software cannot replace the advice of qualified specialists.


4 sovellusta verenpaineen mittaamiseen

Oletko koskaan kuullut, että verenpainetta on mahdollista mitata koskettamalla kännykkääsi?

Verenpainetauti vaikuttaa suureen osaan maailman väestöstä, ja teknologian käyttö voi olla suuri liittolainen väestön terveyden ylläpitämisessä ja siten sydänongelmien välttämisessä.


Tällä sovelluksella on mahdollista mitata sykettä ja paljastaa ikään kuin se olisi sairaalan monitori. Se on vain iPhonelle ja maksaa $0,99 App Storesta.

Mittaa painetta painamalla sormeasi kamerassa muutaman sekunnin ajan ja olet valmis!


Sovellus on yksi suosituimmista Android-laitteista, ja sitä käyttävät myös monet urheilijat. Käytä sitä painamalla sormeasi laitteen kamerassa muutaman sekunnin ajan.

Sen lisäksi, että se näyttää sinulle syketuloksen, se näyttää kaavioita sykkeestäsi. Tämä sovellus on saatavilla vain Androidille ilmaiseksi…


Tämä sovellus ei ole vain verenpaineen mittaamiseen. Sen tavoitteena on pitää huolta käyttäjän koko terveydestä.

Se auttaa sinua laihtumaan, hallitsemaan yöuniasi, verenpainettasi ja auttaa sinua liikkumaan enemmän. Siinä on useita gadgeteja, jotka optimoivat sen käytön.

Siinä on Withings-asteikko, joka auttaa painonhallinnassa, ja Withings-verenpainemittari mittaamaan verenpaineesi aina tarvittaessa.


iCare mittaa verenpainettasi yksinkertaisesti painamalla yhtä sormea näyttöä ja toista kameraa muutaman sekunnin ajan.

Se mittaa sykettä, näköä, kuuloa, keuhkojen kapasiteettia, värisokeutta ja hengitystiheyttä. Siinä on myös askelmittari.

Jopa teknologialla, joka auttaa meitä hallitsemaan sydänsairauksia, emme voi muuta kuin estää niitä.

On erittäin tärkeää säilyttää terveelliset tottumukset emmekä laiminlyödä terveyttämme tulevien ongelmien välttämiseksi.

On syytä muistaa, että käyttäjän tulee aina hakeutua lääkäriin ylläpitämään sydäntutkimusten rutiinia.

Ilmainen sovellus verenpaineen mittaamiseen matkapuhelimella

He knowledge of an application to measure the pressure using the cellular cost, has been attracting the attention of people, developing its functions for those who suffer from pressure problems.

This is an application on how to measure blood pressure, through the analysis of the data previously provided to the application and, therefore, makes it possible to control blood pressure.

With this, you need to control your blood pressure, without having to leave home using only your phone, read this article to the end and discover a great application.

What is hypertension and its symptoms?

High blood pressure is a disease called high blood pressure levels in the arteries and affects about 10 million people a year.

This disease is responsible for causing strokes, heart attacks, heart and kidney failure, in addition to causing an arterial aneurysm.

The most common symptoms are

° nosebleeds
° Chest pains
° Blurred vision
° Weakness
° Dizziness
° Headache.

For this reason, it is essential to be attentive to the presence of arterial whenever possible, especially if your family is already prone to this disease.

Why do we need an application for this?

You may be wondering, why should I worry about blood pressure when you have no symptoms or even family history?

Certainly, an app for measuring blood pressure on your cell phone does not seem as appealing as an app for listening to music, watching series and soap operas or even exercising.

Therefore, even if you do not feel the symptoms, it is important to remain alert to avoid problems in the future.

Ilmainen sovellus verenpaineen mittaamiseen matkapuhelimella

We are going to show you an application that is one of the most popular to measure blood pressure on your cell phone, so you can start taking better care of your health.

This application is one of the most popular within the Play Store, Blood Pressure – Blood Pressure Diary is the best application to track your blood pressure.

Remembering that you need the data in advance to add in the application to generate the graphs.

This application is ideal for those who already suffer from hypertension and want to know how their health is doing, as well as for those who would like to start taking care of it.

How to install the App to measure blood pressure by cell phone for free.

To install the Blood Pressure – Blood Pressure Diary just follow the steps below.

°Open your Play Store.

°Look in the search box ” Blood Pressure – Blood Pressure Diary “.

°Start downloading.

°Wait until it finishes.

°Finishing, tap open and you can start using it.

This application is a blood pressure diary that helps to control blood pressure, using statistics and data collected by the application itself.

With this application, you control your blood pressure in an easy and practical way with statics and notes about your blood pressure.

Remembering that you need the data beforehand to add them to the application to generate the graphs.

This application is ideal for those who already suffer from hypertension and want to know how their health is going, as well as for those who would like to start taking care of it.

How to install the application to measure blood pressure by cell phone for free.

Install Blood Pressure – Blood Pressure Diary simply follow the steps below.

° Open the Play Store.

° Search in the search tab “Blood Pressure – Blood Pressure Diary”.

° Now start downloading.

° Wait until it finishes.

° To finish, tap to open and you can start using.
