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Android のバッテリー時間を最適化するアプリとして機能する 7 つのアプリを紹介します


No matter how modest or robust your phone is, problems related to high power consumption still arise. While it is possible to set Android to use a very small battery without running other applications, features dedicated to improving performance hold the promise of allowing stable smartphone use.

In this article, you will learn about seven apps that can not only improve power management, but also improve your device’s performance. Free up RAM space, close non-essential services running in the background, and disable networks or sensors to save battery life.

1 – Battery Time Optimizer (download)

The Battery Time Optimizer service has two ways of doing this: you can enable the application’s automatic actions or configure the software’s parameters. To extend battery time all you need to do is click the “Extend Time” button.
When you do this, applications running in the background and the WiFi connection of the device will be disconnected. If you want to update the power options, but still want your internet to continue working, simply click the “Skip” button.

Turn on “Close”, your connection will be closed, increase battery life.
Closing applications and network connections will save energy

nformation about power hungry applications can be seen with an arrow icon, which is displayed below the remaining battery time.
Use the highlighted buttons to control application functions

Preferences for data synchronization, screen lock, screen brightness, and WiFi or Bluetooth connection, for example, can be manually adjusted using the buttons next to the foot – to change lock and synchronization times, press the option and select what you want.

2 – My Battery Saver

Efficient, easy to use, and beautiful, My Battery Saver is an app dedicated to saving energy. One of the tricks is the fact that in order to open the activation mode, you must tap the screen.

It is also possible to customize the actions of the application: time to lock the screen, disable animation, close WiFi and Bluetooth connection, and even adjust the brightness level can be set to be activated or not.

Wallpapers are also included in this beautiful application
Several theme options come with the wizard – those who want, besides saving battery, to use the look of their phone can download My Battery Saver for free from

3 – One-Touch Battery Saver

As the name suggests, One-Touch Battery Saver requires one touch from the user to activate. Due to this action, WiFi, Bluetooth, GPS and data synchronization are disabled.

Vibrating notifications and the dashboard backlight have also been preempted with the app’s native preferences.
App parameters can be adjusted manually

Even though One-Touch Battery Saver prioritizes automatic functions, it allows manual setting of the battery saving mode.

As highlights, there are two styles of widgets dedicated to improving device management, as well as information about remaining power time and three different modes of operation.

4 – Doze – For Better Battery Life (download)

Powered by the native power saving engine launched in Android 6.0, Doze – For Better Battery Life is a service that can extend battery life.

The service works when the mobile screen is in standby mode: network connection (2G/3G/4G and WiFi), data synchronization and program updates are interrupted due to the screen lock.

Applications in sleep mode “come back to life” when the phone is used again.
Bringing your phone back to life is also very easy: Just turn on the screen and off you go. Your apps will start working normally again.

5 – Android Optimizer (download)

Android Optimizer is a service that aims to free up RAM memory by disabling unnecessary functions of the smartphone.

Deleting cached files, app logs, and APKs, for example, can be enabled from the service’s functionality and storage options.
Improve your mobile performance and save battery power with this app

As an additional function, shortcuts that enable power saving functions can also be accessed.

6 – PowerPro – Battery Saver (download)

Known as one of the most popular mobile app add-ons, PSafe Total is a complete suite that allows constant monitoring of phone data.

The app also features antivirus and a strong anti-crime security mechanism (check out the full review of the service and download the app for free here!).
In addition to allowing the removal of unnecessary files and even improve the device’s screen for games, the service offers the user a shortcut that allows the download of the tool

PowerPro – Battery Saver: check the remaining charging time, see which applications are consuming power and also force close one or another application using this interface.

PowerPro – Battery Saver can also be downloaded using the PSafe Total interface under “Battery Manager”.
See how to save battery without running any apps on your Android

7 – Greenify (download)

Popular on root devices, Greenify now no longer requires superuser rights to run.

Focused on improving power management systems, the app has tools that can further improve the performance of an Android smartphone.

A power saving test mode based on the Doze engine can also be activated
Greenify’s main function is to put apps running in the background to sleep, resulting in efficient power saving.

In addition, test functions can be activated. But beware: for the main features to be used, you must enable their accessibility options.
An aggressive save button based on the Doze mechanism, enabling sleep mode with shortcuts, and dismissing certain notifications are other great features.

Android のバッテリー時間を最適化するアプリとして機能する 7 つのアプリを紹介します


携帯電話がどれほど堅牢であっても、高エネルギー消費に関連する問題は引き続き発生します。 Android では、他のアプリケーションを起動せずにバッテリーの消費を抑える設定も可能ですが、パフォーマンス向上に特化した機能により、安定したスマートフォンの使用が期待できます。

この記事では、エネルギー管理とデバイスのパフォーマンスを向上させる 7 つのアプリケーションについて学びます。 RAM メモリのスペースを解放し、バックグラウンドで実行されている重要でないサービスを終了し、ネットワークやセンサーを無効にしてバッテリー寿命を節約します。

1 – バッテリー時間オプティマイザー (放電)

Battery Time Optimizer サービスには 2 つの方法があります。アプリケーションの自動アクションをアクティブにするか、ソフトウェアのパラメーターを構成する方法です。バッテリー時間を延長するには、「時間を延長」ボタンをクリックするだけです。
これが完了すると、バックグラウンドで実行されているアプリケーションとデバイスの WiFi 接続が切断されます。電源オプションを更新したいが、インターネットは引き続き動作させたい場合は、「省略」ボタンをクリックするだけです。



たとえば、データ同期、画面ブロック、画面の明るさ、WiFi または Bluetooth 接続の設定は、床の横にあるボタンを使用して手動で調整できます。ブロック時間と同期時間を変更するには、オプションを押して希望するものを選択します。

2 – バッテリーの消耗

効率的で使いやすく、美しい My Battery Saver は、エネルギーの節約に特化したアプリケーションです。トリックの 1 つは、アクティベーション モードを開くには画面をタップする必要があることです。

また、画面ロック時間、アニメーションの非アクティブ化、WiFi および Bluetooth 接続のシャットダウン、さらには輝度レベルの調整など、アプリケーションのアクションをカスタマイズすることもできます。

アシスタントで利用できるさまざまなテーマ オプション – バッテリーの節約に加えて、モバイルの外観を使用したい場合は、今後 My Battery Saver を無料でダウンロードできます。

3 – ワンタッチでドラム演奏

その名前が示すように、ワンタッチ バッテリー セーバーを有効にするには、ユーザーがタッチする必要があります。この操作により、WiFi、Bluetooth、GPS、およびデータ同期が無効になります。



注目すべき点として、デバイス管理の改善に特化したウィジェット スタイルのほか、残りのエネルギー時間と 3 つの異なる動作モードに関する情報があります。

4 – 12 – バッテリー寿命を向上させるため(放電)

Android 6.0 で導入されたネイティブ省電力エンジンによって駆動される Doze – For Better Battery Life は、バッテリー寿命を延長できるサービスです。

このサービスは、モバイル画面がスタンバイ モードのときに機能します。画面がブロックされているため、ネットワーク接続 (2G/3G/4G および WiFi)、データ同期、プログラムの更新が中断されます。

スタンバイ モードのアプリケーションは、電話を再度使用すると「復活」します。

5 – Android オプティマイザー (ダウンロード)

Android Optimizer は、スマートフォンの不要な機能を無効にして RAM メモリを解放することを目的としたサービスです。

たとえば、キャッシュされたファイル、アプリケーション レコード、APK の削除は、サービスの機能とストレージ オプションからアクティブ化できます。


6 – パワプロ – バッテリーセーバー (放電)

最も人気のあるモバイル アプリケーション アドオンの 1 つとして知られる PSafe Total は、電話データの常時監視を可能にする完全なスイートです。

このアプリケーションには、ウイルス対策機能と犯罪に対する強固なセキュリティ メカニズムも備わっています (サービスの完全なレビューを参照し、アプリケーションを無料でダウンロードするには、こちらを参照してください)。


PowerPro – バッテリー セーバー: 残りの充電時間を確認し、どのアプリケーションがエネルギーを消費しているかを確認し、このインターフェイスを使用して 1 つまたは別のアプリケーションの電源を切ります。

PowerPro – Battery Saver は、「バッテリー マネージャー」の PSafe Total インターフェイスを通じてダウンロードすることもできます。
Android でアプリを実行せずにバッテリーを節約する方法をご覧ください。

7 – Greenify (ダウンロード)

ルートデバイスで人気のある Greenify は、実行するためにスーパーユーザー権限を必要としません。

エネルギー管理システムの改善に重点を置いたこのアプリケーションには、Android スマートフォンのパフォーマンスをさらに向上させるツールが含まれています。

Doze エンジンに基づいて省エネ テスト モードを有効にすることもできます。
Greenify の主な機能は、バックグラウンドで実行されているアプリケーションを停止し、効率的なエネルギー節約を可能にすることです。

さらに、テスト機能を有効にすることもできます。ただし、主な機能を使用できるようにするには、アクセシビリティ オプションを有効にする必要があることに注意してください。
Doze メカニズムに基づいた積極的な保存ボタン、直接アクセスによるスリープ モードの有効化、およびその他の優れた機能による特定の通知の破棄。



Imagine uma figurinha que você já recebeu de seguir a comunidade de usuários, porque se te ajudar a baixar as figurinhas de seguir . Aprende como baixar novas figurinhas no WhatsApp: lançamento. Ontem que as figurinhas foram inauguradas pela volta da semana de 2018.

Mostraremos como usar os recursos mais recentes do WhatsApp . Você quer receber mais de 300 figurinhas ? Porque ainda é muito divertido e se deixa a algo para seu grupo . Aprenda a baixar figurinhas no WhatsApp . Somos um modo para que você continua seguinte com acesso das figurinhas que estão desejadas .

Não há como negar que usar figurativas é uma das melhores maneiras de se expressar , porque quando você as usa , você está fazendo mais do que pensa que pode fazer com apenas uma simples mensagem. Se você estiver sendo umas figurinhas no WhatsApp , como você poderá ganhar um conhecimento de emo muito importante.

Imaginar essas figurinhas também te ajuda a que sem acabar em qualquer forma você pode dar figurinhas para outros grupos de amigos de forma Ao se tornar um sucesso, o momento que foi distribuído, muitos usuários adotaram uma ideia e rapidamente se tornaram populares, assim se tornaram um sucesso estrondoso.

Na atualidade, por conta do sucesso das figurinhas no WhatsApp é possivel baixar novas figurinhas, fazer trocar com o grupo. Imagine que você tenha uma série de figurinhas, talvez hasta o momento ou em menos do , agora. Som como você já conseguir deixar a figurinha o que vai adotar com a forma de te entrar. Esperamos que você ajude a entrar no WhatsApp.

Essa capacidade é enorme e é o que indica que desde o lançamento, as figurinhas acabam de conquistar o público cada vez mais.

A partir de que, você se está mais popular em uma comunidade de usuários. Praticamente, os grupos além de favorecer, fazendo com que você aumenta sua coleção de figurinhas faz com que você faça novas amizades.

Para não perder nenhuma novidade dessa moda, é deveras importante você aprender como baixar novas figurinhas para assim, compartilhar com os amigos e familiares.Existem muitos grupos diferentes do WhatsApp que são pagos apenas para providenciar que outras pessoas enviem uma mensagem para você . _ _ Se você optar por baixar pacotes ou , mas oui, criar uma nova figurinha, elas ficaro ao lado dos favoritos. Sea que vocês no saiba o que é o que quê


Para poder baixar as figurinhas e seguir olhar o acesso do grupo no WhatsApp, tem que acreditar uma máquina de escolhes e como Vale declarar que aceitaço e variedade de figurinhas se torna mais popularizando cada vez mais. Timo, no seria impossvel participar do que as figurinhas simbolizam.

Por lo que se você sabe como baixar as figurinhas no WhatsApp , como se você esqueça uma peça para uma peça do amigo. Você encontra diversas figurinhas, de todos os exemplos de tipos e com isso vai ser necessário, fuçar bastante até que você encontra aquela que mais são do seu gosto, figurinhas de que você pode encontrar são de filmes, séries, memes, futebol entre muitos outros temas .

Para baixar-las o processo é bem tranquilo e fácil, basta clicar na figurinha e depois selecionar a opção Adicionar como Favoritos. É muito fácil colocar uma figurinha que você decidiu gostar , pois é muito simples .

Podemos observar que cada vez mais esteremos satisfeitos com a configuração das figurinhas no WhatsApp, mas de todo modo não é totalmente eficiente . Assim você não estará dependente de grupos. Logo, você usará apenas seu conhecimento para se beneficiário. inicie o WhatsApp e vá até os emojis. Para começar, você deve abrir qualquer conversa e assim ter acesso aos emojis disponíveis.Voltamos para ensinar como comprar mais figurinhas. Assim você depende do grupo que você vive como se fazem. Somos apenas o que são para serem benefícios.

Baixe figurinhas novas no WhatsApp , emoções de cidade para ter mais figurinhas.
Claro, é possível baixar figurinhas via WhatsApp. é, procure atenço no passo a passo. Clique no ícone de emoji no aparelho do seu tecelado .Comece o WhatsApp e vou esquecer com os emojis que você faz. Para você acessar os emojis disponíveis , é preciso entrar em conversa de qualquer forma para contestação com os emojis . Ele fica localizado no canto inferior esquerdo. Depois de todos os emojis aparecem, clique em Figurinha.

If você clique no + na parte inferior da tela, ela se definirá como você aceita e como você adicionou mais outras figurinhas para Se você acessar o WhatsApp, você pode adquirir mais figurinhas e acompanhará a lista de figurinhas e os baixar . Esse é o processo mais fácil de adquirir figurinhas, sem necessidade de baixar um aplicativo. Porém, não terá uma diversidade de figurinhas.

Muitos dos recursos que estão disponíveis no WhatsApp são totalmente inúteis , é como se não fossem úteis, também é possível encontrar pacotes de figurinhas não especializadas para complementar sua bibilioteca de figurinhas . Quando encontrar uma figura que goste , basta clicar nela e escolher Comprar .  Quando você clicar nele , a figura estará em sua coleção .

If você está contente de ver todas as novas figurinhas com o seu grupo de amigos, essa é sua primeira oportunidade. Deixando claro que a função de criação de figurinhas está disponível para os sistemas Android e iOS.

Embora o WhatsApp no ??facilite a comprar figurinhas, temos que acompanhar figurinhas enquanto sem conseguir como parte do meu grupo . Timo, a figurinha é sem ganhar uma maior quantidade de figurinhas que você pode comprar .


Quilibrio de figurinhas a partir do aplicativo Sticker.

Ativamente, você pode usar um aplicativo de adquisiçes para baixar figurinhas em sua tela. Há figurinhas de muitos outros em modo que não ocorram muitas vezes . Para adquirir figurinhas, você deve fazer um download prévio no dia anterior do WhatsApp.

Portanto, o aplicativo está disponível para ambos os sistemas Android e iOS. Wenn es um dicil processo, você conseguirá exibir as melhores figurinhas do mundo.

Onde devemos indicar claro que existem inúmeras opções de figurinhas no aplicativo. Onde estámos organizados por pacotes e também é possível escolher apenas uma figurinha. Finalmente, você consegue escolher apenas uma figurinha que vai estar localizada na página do meio- agredo . Depois disso, ela se reunirá com outras que você para escolhendo.

Portanto, depois de escolher todas que você gostou, de diversos pacotes, chegou a hora de enviar todas ao WhatsApp. Apoio ao aplicativo e você deve clicar em enviar figurinhas para o WhatsApp. Podemos conseguir que o aplicativo de Facebook avarido para entrar em qualquer pacote que você possa criar .



The app can detect the number of people with diabetes by using an app. This is a new way to increase the amount of sugar in the palm of the hand.

A study conducted by the American College of Cardiology in New Orleans (USA) showed that there were good results.

When the app was created, it was designed so that people could recognize their own blood sugar levels.

This reduces the finger flicking that people are afraid of.

This is an application to measure the heart rate of a person with a fully developed cardiovascular system; it is also being tested by researchers at the University of California in the United States.

How does it work? An app that detects blood glucose levels based on when the user places his or her finger under a flash in order to detect the pulse of a person with diabetes.

This allows the pulse rate to be different from the pulse rate. During the study of 54 people participated , more than glances . C

nter the differences in the frequency with which people with diabetes take the pulse more often than people who do not have diabetes.

Following these results, the researchers determined that there were patterns of fluctuation in blood glucose and HbA1c levels in other patient groups.

To do this, they can use different glucose levels in the app to capture the blood levels of the waves .



Did you know that it is possible to measure blood pressure with the touch of your cell phone? It seems like something from the future, but it can be done now.

Hypertension affects a large part of the world’s population, and technology can be an important ally in maintaining the population’s health and thus avoiding heart problems.

The application measures the heart rate and displays it like a hospital monitor. It is available only for iPhone and costs $0.99 at the App Store.

To measure the pressure, users only need to hold their finger on the camera for a few seconds!

Heart Rate Monitor This app is one of the most used apps on Android and is also used by many athletes.

To use it, simply hold your finger on the device’s camera for a few seconds.

In addition to providing heart rate results, it also provides a graph of your heart rate. This app is only for Android and is free.

Health Mate

The Health Mate app is not just for measuring blood pressure. It is designed to take care of the health of all users. It can help with weight loss, monitor your sleep, blood pressure, and help you exercise more.

It has several widgets that optimize its use. It has a Withings scale to help with weight control and a Withings manometer to measure pressure when needed.


iCare measures blood pressure by pressing one finger on the screen and another finger on the camera for a few seconds.

It can also measure heart rate, vision, hearing, lung capacity, color blindness, and breathing rate.

It also has a pedometer. Although we have technology to help us monitor heart disease, we can’t help but avoid it.

It is important to maintain healthy habits all the time, not to neglect your health so as not to have problems later on.

It is worth mentioning that users should always see a doctor for regular heart tests.



We can do many things with our phones, including finding a person’s location.

The reasons can be diverse: to know if the family is safe, to check where the kids are, to know if a friend is arriving somewhere, or just out of curiosity (hello, snooper).

How to delete your Google location history How to track your disconnected iPhone Of course, some tools will do the job in a “dirty” way that others don’t know about.

But that’s not the case here. Here are eight ways to use official (and legal) means to locate someone on your phone without violating the user’s privacy.

Ask the person directly about the location It’s a bit obvious, but perhaps the best way to find out a person’s exact location is to contact them directly.

This can be through messaging apps, email, text messages, phone calls, or social media. The answer may not come immediately, but at least you will avoid embarrassing situations.

Google Map Google Maps (Android | iOS | Web) is one of many apps that focuses on geolocation of places and people.

So anyone who wants to can share their current location with other users via Gmail or via shareable links on WhatsApp, Twitter and other social networks.

Real-time location sharing lasts for at least 15 minutes, but you can activate it at any time. Just be sure to close it manually.

Search (iPhone) Find My is Apple’s app for finding friends and family whenever they decide to share their locations.

You can also send your current location to others you know.

Just go to the People tab and everyone who shares your location will be visible in this section.

Exclusive to iPhone users, Find replaces the Find My Friends app, available separately on the App Store.

Apple Watch owners can still use Find People to share their location with other people who own the watch.

Find My Device (Android) On the Android side, there is Find My Device, which helps you find your lost Android and can lock the device until you restore it or permanently delete all the data it contains.

The platform has a mobile app and a website that can be accessed in a web browser.

How to track a lost or stolen iPhone or Android If you accidentally leave your device with someone, or if it is stolen or burglarized, this tool can find your phone.

The app allows you to monitor your smartphone’s movement in real time in buildings, malls, airports, or outdoors. It is worth noting, however, that it may take a few minutes for the exact location of the device to appear.

Whatsapp WhatsApp users (Android | iOS | Web) can track the location of contacts in real time. In this case, others need to share their location.

The feature supports individual and group WhatsApp chats, which means that more than one person can share their location in a single conversation.

When someone shares their location, you will receive a link that opens a map showing the person’s exact location. Other users can also set when you can view the route, which ranges from 15 minutes to 8 hours. facebook messenger Facebook Messenger (Android | iOS | Web) also has the ability to know someone’s location from their phone.

However, it also requires the user to open the conversation and manually select the “Location” option on the small arrow button to start sharing.

The feature stays enabled for up to 60 minutes, or until the person stops messaging in real time.

Uber and 99 The ride-hailing apps Uber (Android | iOS) and 99 (Android | iOS) offer the option to share your location in real time with drivers or people you know.

Android のストレージをクリーンアップするアプリ。


Some are very complete, others are more compact and have basic functionality. It is up to the user to assess which one is the best for their needs.

Our top pick has about 2.6 million ratings calculated, with an average score of 4.6.

What stands out about Power Clean is its clean and easy-to-use interface, as it brings the main functions to the home screen.

The main goal of the app is to find temporary files and delete them, as they are usually not deleted by default, consuming the smartphone’s memory.

Like the other apps already mentioned, Power Clean has a device cooling function that analyzes which processes are overheating the phone to remove them.

There is also the option to protect the app with a password or a pattern to protect the privacy.owner.all-in-one of the device.

With over 500,000 reviews and a score of 4.7, our sixth-ranked app is considered one of the most comprehensive on the list.

In addition to the common features of traditional amps, All-In-One offers the following options: Manage the apps that launch with your phone; Manage your battery.

And move apps from the internal storage to the SD card

There is also a very interesting and innovative tool called “Wi-Fi Analyzer” which has the function to optimize the connection.

APUS Security

APUS Security APUS rated by nearly 400,000 people with an average rating of 4.6, ranking 7th.

This app is designed to give users an experience that protects the phone from viruses and optimizes its performance.

リンク: アンドロイド

Una de las características que hace que APUS sea único es el Notification Cleaner, que filtra las notificaciones importantes y muestra sólo las que son importantes.

One of the features that makes APUS unique is the Notification Cleaner, which filters important notifications and displays only those that are important.

Power Clean

Power Clean stands out because it is very simple to use, and because it allows you to access its functions from the home screen.

Its main goal is to locate temporary files and delete them, since they are usually not deleted automatically,

As a result, the smartphone’s memory is used by many applications that are not really necessary.

Power Clean also has a special cooling function that detects which processes are heating up your phone and allows you to disable them.

There is also the possibility to protect the application by placing a special code or a special password to protect user information.

With over 500,000 reviews and a score of 4.7, our 6th place app is considered one of the most comprehensive on the list.

リンク: アンドロイド & iOS



11 月 14 日は、血糖値が持続的に不安定になる慢性疾患である世界糖尿病デーです。

この日付は、この病気が人間にもたらす危険性を世界の人々に認識させるために、IDF (国際糖尿病連盟) と WHO (世界保健機関) によって 1991 年に制定されました。





糖尿病日記 mySugr – 糖尿病日記アプリでは、ボーラス計算、hbZ1c 推定、炭水化物および血糖追跡ツールなど、血糖値を追跡するための非常に便利なツールを使用できます。

1 型、2 型、または妊娠糖尿病に適しています。

糖尿病患者のためのレシピ 糖尿病だからといって、好きなものが食べられないわけではありませんよね。それを念頭に置いて、開発者は、血糖値をコントロールし、常に健康を維持するのに役立つ 100 種類以上の食事を作成する創造性が必要な人々に最適な、糖尿病レシピ アプリを作成しました。


Diabetes Connect アプリは、糖尿病関連データを便利な方法で記録するツールを提供し、血糖値、食事、インスリン注射、投薬、その他の重要な情報を追跡できるようにします。

1 型および 2 型糖尿病に適しており、他のデバイスと同期できるため、どこにいても必要なものをすべて確認できます。



糖尿病体操アプリを使用すると、治療のための特別なエクササイズや毎日のモニタリング ツールをチェックできます。このアプリには比較グラフも表示され、ユーザーは自分の体で何が起こっているかをより詳細に追跡できます。糖尿病:M


Diabetes Pal を使用すると、ユーザーは血糖値を手動または自動で分析し、食事を管理できます。レポートを印刷したり、慎重な治療を促す目標を設定したりできます。



ハイドロ飲料水 このアプリは、糖尿病を管理および監視するためだけではありません。


ハイドロ ドリンク ウォーター アプリでは、自分の体、ライフスタイル、現在の天気に関する重要な情報を入力し、希望の目標を達成するにはあとどれくらいの水を飲む必要があるかを知らせる通知を頻繁に受け取ることができます。



3 best apps to track your phone Nowadays, with the advancement of technology, a good app to track a cell phone can be found in the official cell phone store.

With this, if it is lost or stolen, you can track it and possibly restore your device.

Therefore, we have separated the best cell phone tracking apps that we can find on the app market, both for Android and iOS devices.

There are 3 apps in total, one for iOS only, one for Android, and one for both platforms. Both have powerful tracking features that help users locate their devices easily.

However, what really made us choose this app was its respective functionality.

So even though they have similar tools, they can be different and serve different tasks.Regardless, having a good cell phone tracker can help you in the worst cases, which as far as we know are thefts and robberies that happen every day.

We have separated for you three of the best cell phone tracking apps available in the official store for your cell phone.

Each of them has its own features. whistle me, Family Tracker, GPS Kids Control and find my phone

These three apps have been added to our list, but it is worth remembering that there are many more. However, according to the research conducted, these are definitely the most popular among them.

Moreover, to please both Android and iOS users, we have separated the apps for these devices. As for features, don’t worry, both apps have great features.Of course, each of them has a purpose.

But overall, all three do a good job of tracking your phone.

Anyway, enough winding up, let’s get to that list! whistle me Whistle Me is one of the best Android phone tracking apps on the app market today.

Like most apps, Whistle Me has standard tracking. But what sets this app apart is that the user can set the sound to play at any time.

This is especially useful if the person has lost their device or is late for an appointment. This way, the app will make the selected sound and you will be able to know where your mobile device is.

In addition, you can choose a “detection level,” a feature that can be set so that the app detects a certain number of whistles to make it easier to locate them. How awesome is that?

KidsControl GPS Family Tracker This app has a slightly different focus, but allows you to track your phone in the same way. As the name suggests, this app is focused on tracking.

In other words, it allows parents or guardians of children and teens to track devices to understand and monitor routes used, locations visited, and more.

It is used primarily as a form of protection, notifying parents of all the places the device passes through. In addition, it is very useful for theft or robbery that can happen on a daily basis.

Although it is a very simple proposition, it is really an application worth downloading and getting started. One of its advantages is that it is available for Android and IOS.

Also, it is worth noting that the app takes up about 13 MB of your device. I mean, it’s light.Find my It’s a very simple app, but very powerful and very useful, especially if your phone is stolen, robbed or lost anything.

In that sense, the app has a tracking option that can find your lost phone and show the exact location of the device in different places.

In addition, it has an option that not all tracking apps have, the Lock. That is, you can lock your device to prevent malicious people from using your phone.

However, this app is only available for Apple devices. That is, no Android phone can access and cannot be tracked by this app.

携帯電話追跡アプリケーション: Android と iPhone を見つける方法



Android と iPhone で利用可能で、一部のプログラムは盗難された携帯電話を追跡するために使用することもできます。

アプリは無料で、Google Play ストアおよび App Store からダウンロードできます。

以下は 4 つの無料携帯電話追跡アプリのリストです。


Whistle Me は Android 携帯電話追跡アプリで、携帯電話の場所を忘れたり、紛失した携帯電話を追跡したい人に最適です。


Whistle Meには、着信音の種類と音通知に使用する時間を選択する機能があります。



GPS Family Tracker KidsControl は、子供の携帯電話を追跡するための無料アプリです。





Find MyはiPhoneのみで利用できるアプリケーションです。


このアプリはiPad、iPod Touch、Apple Watchでも利用できます。

Android では、「デバイスを探す」を使用して Google 経由で携帯電話を追跡することもできます。

このアプリは Gmail メールを通じて機能し、携帯電話を見つけたり、盗難や強盗の際にスマートフォンのデータをブロックしたり消去したりすることができます。


Life360 は、他人の携帯電話を追跡するためのアプリで、家族にとって役立ちます。




アクセスを承認するための招待は、WhatsApp、Instagram、Twitter などのソーシャル ネットワークで送信できます。

