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How to issue a duplicate SUS card?

In order to be served in public health service, it is necessary to have the SUS card. But what if you lost? Rest assured, it is possible to issue a duplicate card and today we will show you how to do it.

O Unified Health System (SUS), is an action of the Federal Government, where free medical care is offered to the population. Every citizen has the right to care at a public health unit, whether it is an emergency room or not.

See how to receive the Snack Aid:

A right guaranteed by the state regardless of the citizen's social class or any other issue, this is a right guaranteed by law.

So, to be assisted in the public health system, it is necessary to have the SUS card, which contains all the person's personal information for managing the appointments.

The information contained in the record and accessed by the SUS card are: exams, medical appointments, information on blood pressure, blood type, previous illnesses, surgeries, among others.

SUS card as an application

Since 2015, the SUS card has been digital, turning into a mobile application. From this outside, it is possible to access the information registered in the public health system through the smartphone screen.

It is also possible for the person to fill in certain additional information, such as allergies, medications for continuous use and to include emergency contacts, which greatly speeds up the consultations.

This inclusion of information by the patient is very important, as it can help to have access to the necessary information that can help in diagnoses and in case of accidents in which the patient is unable to transmit some information. crucial information.

To use the sus card application, the Connect SUS, only your active CPF is required. The application is available for systems iOS and android.

How to issue the duplicate of the SUS card

But if you prefer to use the physical SUS card and lost yours, it is possible to issue a duplicate of your card without major problems.

There are two ways to issue the second life of the SUS card: online and in person.

To request a duplicate of the SUS card online, follow these steps:

  1. Access the website of Connect SUS Portal;
  2. Login with your login;
  3. Fill in the form with your data, where a service protocol will be generated;
  4. Save the protocol number, because until the card arrives at your home, you will be able to use it in consultations (the protocol number for attendance is valid for only 3 months).

To apply for the SUS card in person, we recommend the following steps:

  1. Go to a Basic Health Unit (USB): each USB serves a neighborhood, to find out which one is closest to your home, check with your City's Health Department;
  2. When attending UBS, have the following personal documents in hand: CPF, RG and proof of address;
  3. Just talk to an attendant who will take the steps in the procedure and guide you.

Request your Roxinho Card Now!

O valor de limite do seu Cartão de Crédito que é liberado inicialmente na sua conta Nubank logo após o seu cadastro e confirmação de aprovação dos dados e depois a aprovação do cartão Nubank, vai depender de algumas informações suas que serão analisadas antes de ser liberado o acesso a conta.

Como consultas ao Serasa e SPC e movimentações em seu CPF. Após a liberação do seu cadastro, o pedido será efetuado para aumentar o limite que deve ser feito no próprio aplicativo de forma simples e prática. Depois que o pedido é efetuado e uma análise é feita, uma resposta é dada sobre o seu pedido.

O limite liberado inicialmente pode até ser considerado baixo, mas o algoritmo que o Nubank trabalha é de uma forma que garanta segurança tanto para o banco Nubank quanto para o cliente que tenha um limite atendendo de acordo com seus gastos apresentados.

O que é necessário para abrir uma conta no Nubank?

O principal deles é ser maior de idade ou ter 18 anos completos. Ter os documentos necessários para enviar ao realizar o cadastro como CPF em dia, estar morando fixamente no Brasil e ter um e-mail válido para contato disponível para receber informações e avisos.

O processo de abertura de conta se dá em duas etapas principais: primeira, ao realizar o cadastro no app você recebe acesso a sua Conta, e caso seu crédito seja aprovado, que na maioria das vezes isso acontece, o cartão de crédito também será liberado. E tanto na conta digital como também no cartão de crédito não há a cobrança de anuidade.

Quais os benefícios do cartão Nubank

A necessidade de ficar em casa vem se fazendo cada vez mais presente na vida de todos. Por isso, quanto mais acessível forem as formas de resolver seus problemas melhor será. Com o cartão Nubank toda a facilidade e praticidade do aplicativo ajudará e muito a melhorar seu modo de resolver problemas e realizar seus pagamentos.

Com tanta tecnologia fica muito menos custoso fazer seus pagamentos. Com o benefício de não ter anuidade nem nenhuma taxa sobre seu uso, fornecendo total transparência para seus usuários acompanharem seus gastos a todo momento. Com o aplicativo você tem tudo sob controle o mês inteiro, sem mais aquela dependência da fatura, naquela espera ansiosa pela chegada dela e conferir todos os gastos.

Com o Nubank isso pode ser feito diariamente, facilitando muito mais o controle de seus gastos. Além disso, o Nubank oferece descontos exclusivos para clientes que antecipam parcelas e realizam recargas de celular, seja no crédito ou débito.

A possibilidade de aderir o Nubank Rewards, onde o uso de pontos é muito mais explorado, o acesso fácil ao cartão virtual facilitando suas compras online, você pode bloquear seu cartão caso ache necessário, pedir aumento de limite e mudar a data de vencimento da fatura tudo isso pelo próprio aplicativo do Nubank.

Em caso de segunda via de cartão os seus dados são automaticamente atualizados em todos os sites de compra que você já utilizou antes. Além disso, o Nubank conta com todos os benefícios da bandeira MasterCard Surpreenda, para ganhar pontos em todas as compras.

Nubank credit card, request up to 2 cards

O Nubank 100% is a digital, modern institution that was founded in 2013 with the aim of reversing the absurd collection of fees in our country. Therefore, the bank believes that by combining technology and design, it is possible to offer an easy, up-to-date and transparent service. Therefore, if you want to know more about this company and also about its credit card, which has been conquering many customers, request your card right now.

nubank credit card

Initially, the credit card Nubank it is a very famous proposal among the clients of this institution because it is known to be the face of the company. Thus, this is a card in which the consumer can find a combination of modernity, ease and also a free service. 

Therefore, the Nubank bank works especially to provide all possibilities of control in your hands. In addition, this institution has advantages such as security for customers to consume in more than 30 million establishments.


In fact, all this consumption is done with the benefits MasterCard. Another point worth highlighting is the fact that Nubank firstly provides advantages in the form of discounts. In other words, all customers who anticipate their installments are entitled to unmissable discounts. that Nubank is a totally free and efficient bank.

Santander SX Credit Card

arrived the SX Credit Card, the Santander novelty that has been the talk of the town. International and full of benefits for you, with it you have a great limit even negative and discounts on several partners. Want more? With him you have the double the chances of zeroing the annuity. Just choose how, you can spend R$ 100 on invoice purchases or register and keep CPF and cell phone as Pix keys, isn't that simple? Request yours right now.

Advantages of being Santander SX 

Free annual fee: if you make purchases of at least R$100 per month with a credit card, then this is your option, as you will have free annual fees, but for that you have to make purchases with that amount every month, but if you already buy, then it will be quiet. 

Accepted worldwide: we are talking about a card with the MasterCard brand, so it is accepted all over the world without complications, as it is one of the best brands in the current card market, so it is very simple to buy with your Santander Free. 

It's a Santander: we are talking about one of the biggest banks in the world, so you can rest assured, because they have a lot of security when it comes to keeping your data in security, as they have been working with this for many years, having plenty of experience when it comes to providing security to their customers. 

But how to get mine Santander Credit Card SX? 

If this is a question, then people can rest assured, because to stop having your Santander Credit Card SX, just enter the official site from the bank, it is through it that customers will get the card, for that they have to have their personal data, so that the credit analysis can be carried out. 

And, by opening a Santander account, your minimum income to apply for a card drops from R$ 1,045 to R$ 500, you can not pay a monthly fee and count on essential services and 10 days without interest on the account limit2.

Hiring a credit card means having many fees in your life, thus having many complications with them, but these people have a very interesting option, which is from a large bank, we are talking about of Santander Credit Card SX. With this card you will have many advantages that can be very interesting, in addition to making your financial life much easier, as it has some points that no other on the market can, making it the best option for a certain audience, so come see if you fit this public.


Credit Card Without Bank Account

Santander, seeing the demand for credit cards increasing more and more in the market, decided to give up conservative thoughts and create a unique card, which has everything people dream of, and is easy to acquire.

The History of Santander: To find out more about this bank, you You have to know that they are a European bank, with over 50 years of experience in the financial market, offering various types of financial products and services of the highest quality. 

But what makes this card different? 

These are the following points, which make many people want it very much, as in addition Above all, it brings a lot of practicality and security to all people's purchases. 

1- Annual fee: If you are looking for free annual fees, with this card you you can get them, because by spending just 100 reais per month with your card, you can get the annual fee for free, thus ending up saving a lot of money at the end of the month. 

2 – Simpler purchases: because no one deserves you to go out to buy and have bureaucracy with your card, so Santander decided that all the purchases that people will make with this card will be more practical, whether online, physics or anywhere in the world. 

3 – Security: Something that companies don't talk about much, when customers go shopping, is about security, but who is the customer? Santander you know, that they value this point, so you can rest assured about that. 

And now request yours Santander Credit Card Free: 

To do this and leave with your Santander Credit Card Free in hand, you have to access the official site from the bank, read everything about it, after that just request your card by filling out the registration form and that's it. 

Cartão de Credito Credicard Zero

Credicard Zero Credit Card – Apply Online

Having a lot of headaches, because of your credit card, is something that you already support more, with that you've been looking for months after a good card, that changes your life, so we have an excellent option for you, which is to have Credicard Zero Credit Card. 

Credicard and a Little About It: this is a company that has a lot of experience when it comes to credit cards, as it has been working in this area for more than 20 years, to make life easier for its thousands of customers throughout Brazil, as well as they are the perfect choice for you. 

Cartão de Credito Credicard Zero
Credicard Zero Credit Card

Discounts: if you like most people in Brazil, they like to save, so this card is just for you, because with it, you will have the best discounts on the market, among them are the main service companies in the market, such as Uber and ifood. 

Zero Annuity: hence the name of the Card, as it does not and will never have annual fees, so you don't have to worry about this type of fee getting in your way. 

Master Surprise: a points program, which will make your life easier and make each purchase more advantageous, as well as you when buying, you receive points, which can be exchanged for thousands of products from many partner stores. 

Digital Wallet: if you are tired of carrying money everywhere, then with this card, you have the digital wallet, which you can do your shopping, through from Apple Play, Samsung Play and Google Play, hassle free. 

But where do I Credicard Zero Online Credit Card? 

This card can be made through the official site of the company, then enter the site with your data in hand and request your Credicard Zero Credit Card, after 3 days, your card will arrive at your home. 


Santander Free Credit Card – Anyone Can Apply!

Request your Credit Card without leaving home and in a simple and safe way to acquire your Santander Credit Card.

Santander, seeing the demand for credit cards increasing more and more in the market, decided to give up conservative thoughts and create a unique card, which has everything people dream of, this card is Santander Credit Card Free. 

The History of Santander: To find out more about this bank, you You have to know that they are a European bank, with over 50 years of experience in the financial market, offering various types of financial products and services of the highest quality. 

But what makes this card different? 

These are the following points, which make many people want it very much, as in addition Above all, it brings a lot of practicality and security to all people's purchases. 

1- Annual fee: If you are looking for free annual fees, with this card you you can get them, because by spending just 100 reais per month with your card, you can get the annual fee for free, thus ending up saving a lot of money at the end of the month. 

2 – Simpler purchases: because no one deserves you to go out to buy and have bureaucracy with your card, so Santander decided that all the purchases that people will make with this card will be more practical, whether online, physics or anywhere in the world. 

3 – Security: Something that companies don't talk about much, when customers go shopping, is about security, but who is the customer? Santander you know, that they value this point, so you can rest assured about that. 

And now request yours Santander Credit Card Free: 

To do this and leave with your Santander Credit Card Free in hand, you have to access the official site from the bank, read everything about it, after that just request your card by filling out the registration form and that's it. 


Cartão de Crédito Santander

Santander Credit Card – Buy Across the Country 

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Compras, esse é um dos assuntos mais usados do momento, pois as pessoas estão The procura de cada vez mais de excelentes opções de cartão de credito e vendo essa procura crescer cada vez mais, a Santander decidiu criar o seu próprio cartão, o Santander Credit Card. Para Solicitar não precisa ter conta no Banco, bastar clicar abaixo e pedir o seu:

A principal ideia desse cartão é fazer com que suas compras sejam mais práticas e seguras, ele conta com as melhores vantagens, para que todos os clientes tenham essa praticidade nas compras, com isso fica bem mais simples comprar em qualquer lugar do país. 

Por que escolher esse cartão? 

Por conta de toda a vantagem que ele tem, assim os clientes podem ter os seguintes pontos nas suas vidas: 

Bandeira MasterCard: esse é o principal bom motivo para esse cartão, pois com conta dessa excelente bandeira, as pessoas conseguem comprar sem medo em qualquer parte do mundo, pois ela garante que ele seja aceito, pois afinal estamos falando da melhor bandeira do mercado. 

Zero annuity: if you fizer compras de apenas R$100 por mês, você não precisa se preocupar com a anuidade do cartão, essa é uma ideia revolucionar e que vem mudando o mercado de cartões de uma vez por todas. 

Vantagens únicas: com esse cartão os clientes terão acesso a várias vantagens por conta da bandeira, pois a MasterCard, traz com ela vários benefícios para deixar as compras dos clientes ainda mais recompensadoras. 

E como contratar o Santander Credit Card? 

Para contratar o seu Santander Credit Card, just enter the official site da empresa, leia mais informações sobre ele e depois é só solicitar o seu cartão com seus dados, após isso aguarde a análise de credito e pronto, está feito o seu cartão Santander, agora é só sair comprando sem complicações por . 

Order your Ourocard credit card online.

O cartão do BB sem anuidade, Ourocard Fácil é uma excelente opção para quem deseja ter o poder de compra no mercado nacional e internacional, e o melhor, contando com toda segurança que um bom cartão de crédito de uma grande instituição tem a oferecer.

O cartão que o Banco do Brasil está oferecendo é ótimo pois não possui burocracias. Inclusive não precisa ser cliente do Banco do Brasil e tem aprovação muito rápida, além de várias outras vantagens que ainda vamos citar.

O cartão é internacional, ou seja, válido para compras nacionais e internacionais. Importante ressaltar que é preciso habilitar a função internacional pelo aplicativo antes de usar fora do país. O banco também não exige uma renda ou salário mínimo para pedir o cartão de crédito.

Tanto o gerenciamento da fatura quanto da conta digital são feitos pelo App OuroCard. Disponível nas lojas do android e iOS, está avaliado com 4,5 e 4,8 pontos respectivamente.

Pontos Positivos

– Anuidade e adesão gratuita, gastando pelo menos R$ 100

– Bandeira Internacional

– Cartões adicionais gratuitos

– Programas de milhas para correntistas

– Pouca burocracia

– Cartão faz compras por aproximação

– Cartão virtual pode ser gerado antes da chegada do cartão físico

Pontos Negativos

– Necessidade de gastar todos os meses para não pagar anuidade

– Podem acorrer atrasos na aprovação

Como solicitar o cartão de crédito OuroCard Fácil?

O cartão OuroCard Fácil pode ser solicitado pelo aplicativo do Banco do Brasil para correntistas ou pelo app OuroCard para não correntistas.

Confira a lista de documentos necessários:

  •  CNH ou Documento de Identidade (RG) válida
  • Comprovante de Renda do último vencimento
  • Comprovante de Residência do último vencimento;
  • Câmera ou Webcam para Verificação Facial.

Os documentos devem ser enviados como foto ou imagem digitalizada.

Avaliação final sobre o OuroCard Fácil

O cartão é um boa opção para quem já é correntista do BB ou quem sempre acaba gastando mais que R$ 100,00 na sua fatura.

Fora destes cenários não existem diferenciais no cartão para outros possibilidades totalmente isentas de taxas e anuidade, por isso a nota final do cartão é de 3,5.

Canais de atendimento do Banco do Brasil

Para consultas, informações ou dúvidas, entre em contato com 4004 0001 Capitais e regiões metropolitanas. 0800 729 0001 para demais localidades.

Saiba mais sobre o cartão de crédito Ourocard clicando

Learn about the advantages of acquiring a Banco Inter Payroll Credit Card.

There is no doubt that the popularization of credit cards ended up becoming a great facilitator for the consumer's life. Thanks to this, some specific niches have emerged to serve the most varied types of consumers, in the most different situations and financial conditions, who could have this tool at their disposal.

Among these modalities, there is the modality of payroll credit cards, made to supply civil servants, retirees and pensioners. And one of the best options is Banco Inter, which offers ease of service approval.

Among its main advantages is the invoice discount that falls directly on the user's payroll. In this modality the interest rates are much lower than those present in the market.

With the Banco Inter payroll credit card, customers have all the advantages of credit at their disposal, including withdrawals, in addition to all the benefits that the bank offers.

Want to know more? Keep reading to find out how the card works, what its advantages are and how you can apply for one.

How does the Inter Payroll Credit Card Work?

This card is designed for INSS retirees and pensioners and public servants of bodies affiliated with Banco Inter. The payroll credit card works like a traditional credit card when making purchases, its main difference is in the payment.

Based on your available limit, Banco Inter calculates a percentage margin, which is deducted every month, directly from the payroll.

Do you remember the minimum payment on your card bill? So, this amount to be deducted is like the minimum of your invoice.

Depending on the customer's agreement with the bank, the amount can vary from 5% to 10% of the card limit. Now, if spending on the card turns out to be cheaper than the total limit, the amount to be deducted will be the minimum amount indicated on the invoice.

Advantages of the Card

The Banco Inter payroll card has many novelties. In addition to the ease of acquiring a card and the possibility of having credit that allows purchases in cash and in installments at national and international stores, you can enjoy other incredible advantages.

  • No annuity;
  • Lowest interest rate on the market;
  • Without consultation with the SPC/Serasa;
  • Withdrawal on the Banco24Horas Network using the card limit;
  • Withdrawal in cash or in installments over the phone, using Banco Inter's Call Center;
  • Payroll discount;
  • MasterCard Flag.


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