
Anyone who has a pet will definitely love the application to create portrait of your pet with artificial intelligence.

Everyone who has pets, at some point, wants to keep some recollection of the animal.


And having photos with AI of the pet brings back fun and cute memories.

In this article, we'll talk about apps that create AI pet images.

See more about the app Arta – AI art generator.

Arta app

On your cell phone, download the Arta application, available at android and iOS.


Then, in the app, go to “Continue”.

Choose a paid plan or use the app for free.

Generating your pet's portrait

To start creating your pet's portrait using AI, go to the "Avatars" menu.

Then go to “Try it now”.


Then, choose which animal will be in the photo, having the cat and dog options.

Thus, the app will show you the best tips for choosing pet photos.

The photos, therefore, must be:

  • Taken from the same animal;
  • Closely;
  • Different places;
  • Different angles.

And such chosen photos, should not be:

  • Of people with animals;
  • More than one animal in the same photo.

To continue, agree to the policy and terms from app.

Then go to the option “Select 10-20 photos”.

Choose, then, from 10 to 20 photos of your pet.

Wait for the images to load.

To conclude, the user must pay the amount of R$ 51.99.

generate images

In the “Generate” menu, the user can create an image with AI using a prompt.

This prompt should contain a description with:

  • Image type;
  • Object;
  • Details;
  • and others.

The user must choose a kind of style, having the options below:

  • Digital Art;
  • Realistic 2;
  • SDXL 1.0;
  • anime;
  • Characters;
  • Advanced;
  • Improved;
  • Legacy;
  • Photography;
  • Movie theater;
  • Fantasy art;
  • Neon Punk;
  • Analog;
  • Isometric;
  • 3D model;
  • Origami.

Going to the feed or highlights, the user must choose a model.

Then, you should go to “Test this prompt”.

After that, a description of the prompt the user chose will be displayed.

So, just tap on the “Generate” option and wait.

After creating the image, it will be allowed to make changes, such as:

  • To edit;
  • To save;
  • To share;
  • Generate again.

The user will still be able to make changes to the prompt description.

AI videos

Through the third menu, the user can create videos using AI.

It will be possible to choose a style of the video, having these options:

  • Statue;
  • anime;
  • Cyberpunk;
  • Cartoon;
  • Neon party;
  • Magic;
  • Vampire;
  • Dune.

After choosing the style, go to the option “Create new video”

Choose which is the character of the image, which can be Female or male.

Also select the skin tone.

Now, you must agree to the terms and then go to “Select Video”.

The user must select a video that has the aspect ratio of 9:16.

Then, to finish, just tap on “Create”.

To use the style and create the video with AI, the app will charge R$ 4.69.