Detect metal and gold with Android mobile

Published by jornalmensal on


Having a metal or gold detector can cost a bit high, but if you have an Android cell phone, know that it is much simpler than it seems.

By cell phone, it is possible to download applications and turn your device into a metal or gold detector, paying much less or paying nothing.

In today’s article, we’ll talk more about it and introduce you to two of the best detector apps. Check it out below.

Metal and gold detectors app


Applications that are able to turn the cell phone into a metal and gold detector, can find various objects, such as coins and jewelry.

Following the same pattern as metal detector equipment, detector applications also emit a beep when they find a metallic or gold object.

As, in the app market, there are many apps with this proposal, we have separated the two best ones to save you the tests. See below:

Metal Detector Pro


The application that we brought first is Metal Detector Pro, which is widely used both amateurly and professionally. In this case, it only detects metals.

A very interesting resource that the application presents is a mapping via GPS, where, through it, the user can check which areas he passed through, which is very useful in terrain that is difficult to mark, such as sand.

Another advantage that this resource brings is to present the areas where more valuables were found, so the user will know where to look more often.

In the application settings, you can choose detection preferences, better directing the type of search you want.

This application is paid, but nothing too exorbitant, being worth R$ 6.99. The Metal Detector Pro application can be downloaded on the Android system.

metal and gold detector

The second app, as the name says, detects metal as well as gold, which is a big plus. It is also used professionally.


Very useful for simple day-to-day tasks, when something is lost inside the house, such as earrings and rings, or to look for valuables outdoors.

The application measures the value of the magnetic field of the metallic or gold object that is nearby, within reach of the device., thus showing the field level in ?T (microtesla).

The moment an object is in the detectable vicinity of the device, the magnetic field value of the object will increase in the detector of the application, and thus a beep will be emitted.
