10. Money


The former football player admitted in 1996 that he was a cocaine user. And after being caught in the anti-doping test, Dinei was suspended for almost 1 year from football and started to participate in awareness campaigns against drug use. When he returned to football, in 1998 and 1999, he won the Brazilian title with Corinthians.

11. Renner


The sertanejo singer Renner, from the duo with Rick, saw his artistic career stop due to addiction to alcoholic beverages. Formed in Brasilia in 1992, the duo Rick and Renner broke up twice, in 2012 and 2015. The duo's return only happened in 2018, after Renner underwent treatment and was fully rehabilitated.

12. Armandinho

Singer Armandinho publicly assumed the abusive use of alcoholic beverages through his social networks in 2014. After treatment, the musician was able to rehabilitate himself and resume his artistic career.


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