19. Martina Hingis


Former tennis player Marina Hingis was caught in an anti-doping test in 2007, where she tested positive for cocaine use. That year the athlete chose to end her career. She never admitted that she had a drug addiction.

20. Giba


Former volleyball player Giba was caught in an anti-doping test that tested positive for marijuana use. The athlete attributes the use of the drug to the end of his marriage and hyperthyroidism. Giba was suspended from the sport and as punishment part of his salary was allocated to projects and institutions that help drug addicts.

21. Rafael Ilha

Former member of the group Polegar, Rafael Ilha, had serious problems with chemical dependency, which ended up sinking his career shortly after it took off.

22. Hudson


The struggle of singer Udson Cadorini Silva, from the country duo Edson & Hudson, against addictions to alcohol, cigarettes and drugs began in 2014.

23. Débora Duarte

Actress Débora Duarte said she started using cocaine around 1980. After 12 years of using drugs, Débora took the initiative and entered a rehabilitation clinic and says she is currently “clean”.


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