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How to get Basic Basket?

Since the beginning of the pandemic in 2020, several state governments in Brazil have mobilized to help families in a critical situation.

One of the actions initiated by the states was the basic basket donation, to help meet the basic food needs of the population that was either already in a situation of social vulnerability, or found itself in a financial crisis due to the pandemic.

One of the first states to initiate actions was the state of Ceará, followed by others who joined his example of citizenship.

Most of the states that joined the initiative make payments using a food card that allows citizens to purchase food, making it possible to use the card only in markets.

In today's article, we'll guide you on how to get a basic basket, let's go.

How to get a basic basket?

To be able to benefit from the basic food basket, it is necessary for the family to register with the CadÚnico (Single Registration), made and updated less than 2 years ago.

In CadÚnico, important data is recorded for the government to define which families really need the benefit of the basic food basket, information such as: number of people in the household, family income value, existence or not of a member with special needs, among other data.

If you do not have a CadÚnico registration or your registration is more than 2 years without updates, look for the CRAS (Social Assistance Reference Center) in your city.

To check the status of your registration, visit the website of CadÚnico.

Brazilian states that carry out the distribution of the Basic Basket Aid

Rio de Janeiro

The state of Rio de Janeiro confirmed their participation in the basic basket aid, which reaches a total of R$ 500 in Niterói.

To receive the basic basket in Rio de Janeiro, it is necessary to fulfill one of the following requirements:

  • Have children who study in the municipal education network, even if the family does not have a CadÚnico registration;
  • Be a taxi driver, MEI or registered in the Citizen Company;
  • Receive Active Search: those who already receive it will continue to receive it for some time.

Sao Paulo

In the state of São Paulo, the Basket Basic it is only for families that have a CadÚnico registration and are more socially vulnerable.

The benefit is paid through a food card that can only be used in supermarkets to buy food.

For families in the state of São Paulo who already received basic food basket, in the month they receive the card they will not receive the basic food basket as before, only the card.

Minas Gerais

In Minas Gerais, families that need the aid manage to receive this support in supermarkets in Belo Horizonte.

The City Hall will also donate around 240 thousand basic baskets, in addition to hygiene kits.


The state of Ceará, one of the first to join the Auxílio Cesta Básica, focuses on people who work in the field of tourism.

The explanation for this comes from the fact that one of the areas hardest hit by the pandemic was the tourism, due to social isolation, something that keeps the state's economy a lot.

Registration to request assistance with the basic food basket can be done on the website of Secretariat for Social Protection, Justice, Citizenship, Women and Human Rights.

How to issue a duplicate SUS card?

In order to be served in public health service, it is necessary to have the SUS card. But what if you lost? Rest assured, it is possible to issue a duplicate card and today we will show you how to do it.

O Unified Health System (SUS), is an action of the Federal Government, where free medical care is offered to the population. Every citizen has the right to care at a public health unit, whether it is an emergency room or not.

See how to receive the Snack Aid:

A right guaranteed by the state regardless of the citizen's social class or any other issue, this is a right guaranteed by law.

So, to be assisted in the public health system, it is necessary to have the SUS card, which contains all the person's personal information for managing the appointments.

The information contained in the record and accessed by the SUS card are: exams, medical appointments, information on blood pressure, blood type, previous illnesses, surgeries, among others.

SUS card as an application

Since 2015, the SUS card has been digital, turning into a mobile application. From this outside, it is possible to access the information registered in the public health system through the smartphone screen.

It is also possible for the person to fill in certain additional information, such as allergies, medications for continuous use and to include emergency contacts, which greatly speeds up the consultations.

This inclusion of information by the patient is very important, as it can help to have access to the necessary information that can help in diagnoses and in case of accidents in which the patient is unable to transmit some information. crucial information.

To use the sus card application, the Connect SUS, only your active CPF is required. The application is available for systems iOS and android.

How to issue the duplicate of the SUS card

But if you prefer to use the physical SUS card and lost yours, it is possible to issue a duplicate of your card without major problems.

There are two ways to issue the second life of the SUS card: online and in person.

To request a duplicate of the SUS card online, follow these steps:

  1. Access the website of Connect SUS Portal;
  2. Login with your login;
  3. Fill in the form with your data, where a service protocol will be generated;
  4. Save the protocol number, because until the card arrives at your home, you will be able to use it in consultations (the protocol number for attendance is valid for only 3 months).

To apply for the SUS card in person, we recommend the following steps:

  1. Go to a Basic Health Unit (USB): each USB serves a neighborhood, to find out which one is closest to your home, check with your City's Health Department;
  2. When attending UBS, have the following personal documents in hand: CPF, RG and proof of address;
  3. Just talk to an attendant who will take the steps in the procedure and guide you.

How to get unemployment insurance through the app?

Aquele momento em que se perde o emprego, realmente não é fácil, mas quando você tem direito ao seguro desemprego é uma ajuda e tanto. Dá para fazer tudo pelo celular e dar entrada no seu seguro desemprego pelo aplicativo.

Lembrando que quem tem direito ao seguro desemprego é aquele trabalhador que possui registro na carteira de trabalho, seus direitos são assegurados por lei.

Os benefícios assegurados incluem: abono salarial, décimo terceiro salário, férias, licença por doença, licença maternidade e seguro desemprego quando perder o emprego.

Entretanto, para receber o benefício do seguro desemprego, o trabalhador precisa se enquadrar em alguns requisitos e não pode ser ele a pedir demissão.

A empresa deve demitir o funcionário para valer o seguro desemprego, mas essa demissão não pode ser por justa causa.

Se você foi demitido sem justa causa, e possui carteira de trabalho assinada, você está apto a receber o benefício do seguro desemprego, dando a entrada na solicitação pelo aplicativo.

Instalando o aplicativo do seguro desemprego

É por meio do aplicativo da Carteira de Trabalho Digital que o trabalhador consegue solicitar seu seguro desemprego.

Esse aplicativo, criado pelo Governo Federal, serve para cuidar de todas as questões referentes ao trabalho do funcionário assalariado, questão como INSS, abono salarial e, claro, o seguro desemprego.

No seu celular, é só ir à loja de aplicativos, como a Play Store e pesquisar por Carteira de Trabalho Digital, confirmando se é do governo brasileiro.

Depois de instalado o aplicativo, você irá realizar o login no mesmo com seus dados do, que é o site que cuida de suas informações governamentais. Se ainda não tiver cadastro, é possível realizá-lo no próprio aplicativo da Carteira de Trabalho Digital.

Dentro do application, você terá acesso às ferramentas do seguro desemprego, INSS, abono salarial, e todos os registros de trabalhos com carteira assinada.

O aplicativo veio para substituir a carteira de trabalho de papel, onde apenas com o CPF, o empregador consegue fazer o registro do funcionário.

Como dar entrada no seguro desemprego pelo aplicativo

  1. Agora com o aplicativo instalado, siga os seguintes passos para dar entrada no seu seguro desemprego:
  2. Entre no aplicativo e escolha a opção Requerer o Seguro Desemprego;
  3. Na próxima tela, escolha a opção Solicitar Seguro Desemprego e coloque o número do requerimento: o número do requerimento está no formulário que o empregador lhe deu quando você assinou sua demissão sem justa causa;
  4. Após informar o número, clique em localizar: aparecerão as informações que você deve conferir com calma se estão corretas;
  5. Leia as regras de habilitação do benefício e concorde com os termos clicando em concluir;
  6. Na tela do dispositivo aparecerá seus dados e a mensagem que o benefício foi solicitado com sucesso.

Pronto! Você finalizou o requerimento do seu seguro desemprego.

Agora você consegue acessar as informações de quantidade de parcelas a receber e os devidos valores, com as previsões das datas de pagamento.

O aplicativo está disponível para ambos os sistemas iOS and android.

Are you entitled to PIS / Pasep in 2022?

The known PIS/Pasep tax kept the same name, however, currently, the resources used are stored in the FAT (Worker Support Fund).

The remaining values of this fund for the FGTS, which can be accessed by beneficiaries who request the withdrawal.


Who is entitled to PIS/Pasep 2022?

to receive the salary allowance, the citizen needs to be salaried worker and be registered for at least 5 years, in addition to having a signed contract for at least 30 days (base year 2020) and having received, on average, up to 2 minimum wages during this period.

PIS/Pasep receipt schedule in 2022?

According to the website of Caixa Econômica Federal, this is the calendar for withdrawals in 2022 for private initiative workers:


Born in: Receive from:
January 08/02/2022
February 10/02/2022
March 15/02/2022
April 17/02/2022
May 22/02/2022
June 24/02/2022
July 15/03/2022
August 17/03/2022
September 22/03/2022
October 24/03/2022
November 29/03/2022
December 31/03/2022


Withdrawal is authorized until December 29, 2022.

To the public workers, the payment of PIS/Pasep is made on a different scale, although it follows the same rules.

Civil servants can inquire about their PIS/Pasep on the Bank of Brazil.

According to the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, the Abono Salarial is an annual benefit, in the maximum amount of one minimum wage in effect on the payment date, so workers will not receive double the amount at that time.

PIS/Pasep 2022 Calendar

The PIS/Pasep is the formation of two funds created by in the 1970s: the Social Integration Program (PIS) and the Public Servant Asset Formation Program (Pasep). Currently, it is no longer a current tax, and is now collected in the FAT (Fundo de Amparo ao Trabalhador).

It guarantees assistance to the well-being of salaried workers, with a formal contract.

The payment of the Abono Salarial is staggered for civil servants and for workers in private companies, the determining factor being the worker's birthday.

According to the website of Caixa Econômica Federal, the calendar with dates for withdrawals in 2022 is only for workers of private companies.

PIS/Pasep 2022 Calendar:

Born in: Receive from:
January 08/02/2022
February 10/02/2022
March 15/02/2022
April 17/02/2022
May 22/02/2022
June 24/02/2022
July 15/03/2022
August 17/03/2022
September 22/03/2022
October 24/03/2022
November 29/03/2022
December 31/03/2022


See our complete article on how to withdraw your FGTS and PIS/Pasep:


Check now: FGTS and PIS/Pasep

You FGTS and PIS/Pasep benefits are granted to Brazilians with a formal contract. Thus, to participate it is necessary to have at least 30 days of professional experience, in order to have a minimum transfer to the guarantee fund.

In this time of economic and health crisis, benefits are essential for Brazilian families.

However, many do not know how, where and how to withdraw the FGST and PIS/Pasep. Let's help you.

Requirements to withdraw the FGTS?

  • Make the payment of the financed property;
  • End of contract;
  • Company closes or goes bankrupt;
  • When the company is affected by a disaster such as flood or fire;
  • Retirement;
  • Dismissal without just cause;
  • Acquisition of own residence;
  • Pay off real estate through the consortium;
  • Independent worker is suspended for more than 90 days;
  • Serious diseases;
  • Termination agreement by both parties;
  • People who have been unemployed for more than 3 years;
  • Worker's death.

Ways to take advantage of the FGTS

Currently, the FGTS has a different form of output. It was approved by President Jair Bolsonaro, the birthday serve, which allows escrow fund holders to withdraw from their active and inactive accounts.

The value varies according to the total accumulated balance, the minimum value is R$ 50 (fifty reais) and the maximum is R$ 2,900.00 (two thousand and nine hundred reais). To access the benefit, the citizen must register with the FGTS..

It is possible to do everything on the cell phone, in the applications available for Android and IOS, and it is possible to ask for this portability.

Now, in case of withdrawal, the minimum grace period is 2 years, so people who made the birthday withdrawal will not have unemployment termination.


How can Pis/Pasep be used?

The PIS/PAsep can only be withdrawn once a year, on dates pre-established by the Federal Government.

Just like the FGTS, to have access to the PIS/Pasep, the citizen needs to have a signed portfolio for at least 30 days.

Furthermore, to gain access the person needs to have been hired 5 years ago through the CLT regime (Consolidation of Labor Laws), and have a limit of at least two minimum wages. With the data always updated.

Knowing this, it is also important to know that there is a way to use the allowance through Pis/Pasep funds. 

For withdrawals, the values are made available only once for people who have a formal contract at least once.

To use the PIS/Pasep, just make the request through the Bank of Brazil and Caixa Econômica Federal.

Know that these benefits are only for formal workers, that is, those hired in a work contract, or those who fit the requirements. 

How to withdraw FGTS and PIS/Pasep?

How to withdraw FGTS AND PIS/PASEP?

Many Brazilians do not know how and what the situation is to withdraw FGTS and PIS/Pasep. We will help you with that now.

These benefits are very important to help families in this time of economic crisis.

Thus, the Pis/Pasep and the FGTS became a necessary condition for a large part of the population.

The FGTS and PIS/Pasep benefits are granted to people who have a formal contract, requiring at least 30 days of professional experience.

Find out below how to check and withdraw your FGTS and PIS/Pasep and check if you are entitled to benefits

What is Brazil Aid?

O Brazil Aid It is a program that brings together several public policies, such as: health, social assistance, employment, income and education.

The program is aimed at families living in poverty and extreme poverty in Brazil. Ensuring that these families have a basic income, and encourages their emancipation, so that they can have autonomy and leave the situation of economic and social vulnerability.

The Brazil Aid is administered by the Ministry of Citizenship, which manages program benefits and resource submissions.

Who can participate in the Auxílio Brasil program?


Families who are in a situation of poverty or extreme poverty can participate in the Auxílio Brasil program. Families in situations of poverty or extreme poverty, in which the members are one of the following, can participate in the Program: pregnant women, nursing mothers (breastfeeding mothers), children, adolescents and young people between 0 and 21 years of age.

To designate poverty, the monthly per capita income must be R$ 105.01 (one hundred and five reais and one cent) and R$ 210.00 (two hundred and ten reais).

To designate extreme poverty, the monthly per capita income must be equal to or less than R$ 105.00 (one hundred and five reais).


How do I register for the Auxílio Brasil program?

To enroll in the Auxílio Brasil program, the family must be registered in the Single Registry, and have their data updated in the last 2 years.

If the family meets the requirements, but does not have the registration, they must seek the person responsible for the Auxílio Brasil program in their city hall to register in the Single Registry.

Do you want to know more about the Auxílio Brasil program? Read our other article on:

How to receive the Brazil Aid?

The Auxílio Brasil program, which manages and assists families in situations of poverty and extreme poverty, also helps these families to become independent and leave their situation of social vulnerability. In addition, it still guarantees a basic income to these families.


Who can receive the benefit?

  • Families living in poverty (per capita monthly income between R$ 105.01 and R$ 210.00);
  • Families in extreme poverty (monthly per capita income equal to or less than R$ 105.01);
  • Families under emancipation rule.

How to receive the benefit?

Benefits are paid into the following accounts:

  • Demand Deposit Checking Account;
  • Special Deposit Account;
  • Digital Social Savings;
  • Accounting Account (social platform of the program), when the beneficiary does not have bank accounts.

It is also possible to choose to receive the benefit in the accounting account, especially in cases where there is a technical or operational impediment, or even if there is a suspension of the bank account.


What are the objectives of the Auxílio Brasil program?

  • Propose citizenship with guaranteed income and support the articulation of policies aimed at beneficiaries, through the benefits offered by the Unified Social Assistance System (SUAS);
  • Expand the offer of care for children in day care centers;
  • Promote the development of children and adolescents in situations of poverty or extreme poverty;
  • Promote the development of children in early childhood, focusing on health and stimulating physical, cognitive, linguistic and socio-affective skills, in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 13,257, of March 8, 2016;
  • Stimulate children, adolescents and young people to have excellent scientific and technological performance;
  • Stimulate the emancipation of families in situations of poverty and extreme poverty.
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