
If you are thinking about quitting smoking, there are many resources available to help you with Quit Smoking Apps.

How do smoking cessation apps work?

Smoking cessation apps offer a variety of features to help people quit smoking. These features may include:

Progress Tracking

Apps let you track your progress, like how many days you've been smoke-free, how many cigarettes you've quit smoking, and how much money you've saved.


The apps provide tips and information on how to quit smoking.

These tips may include how to deal with the urge to smoke, how to deal with stress, and how to replace the smoking habit.

Community support: Some apps offer community support, allowing you to connect with others who are trying to quit smoking.


What are the best apps to stop smoking?

There are many smoking cessation apps available, each with its own features and benefits. Some of the most popular apps include:


O QuitNow! is a free app that offers a variety of features, including progress tracking, tips, and community support.


Smoke Free

O Smoke Free is another free app that offers similar features to QuitNow!.



O Kwit is a free app that uses a gamification system to help people stop smoking.



O EasyQuit is a free app that offers personalized features to help people quit smoking.


Pelago Health

O Pelago Health is a paid app that offers advanced features such as cognitive behavioral therapy.

How to choose the best app for you?


When choosing the best app for you, consider the following factors:

Your budget: Some apps are free, while others require a subscription.
Your needs: Consider the features that are most important to you.

For example, if you need community support, choose an app that offers this feature.

Your preference: Try a few different apps to see which one you like best.


Quit smoking apps can be a useful tool to help you quit smoking. Choose an app that meets your needs and preferences and start using it today.


In addition to using a smoking cessation app, there are other things you can do to increase your chances of success:

Talk to your doctor. Your doctor can help you develop a smoking cessation plan and provide support.

Join a support group. Support groups can provide support and motivation to others who are trying to quit smoking.

Avoid situations that trigger the desire to smoke. If you know you will smoke if you are in a certain situation, avoid that situation.

With effort and determination, you can quit smoking and improve your health.