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The Best Mental Health Apps

A saúde mental tem se tornado um assunto cada vez mais discutido e com razão.

As demandas diárias e os desafios pessoais podem ser avassaladores.

Para oferecer suporte, os aplicativos de saúde mental surgem como uma opção prática e acessível.

Permitindo que as pessoas façam um acompanhamento mais próximo de suas emoções e encontrem estratégias para melhorar seu bem-estar.

Quatro aplicativos se destacam nesse contexto. Confira.

Apps de Saúde Mental

Essas ferramentas oferecem abordagens variadas, desde rastreamento de humor até exercícios de relaxamento e gerenciamento de crises.

Conhecê-los é o primeiro passo para escolher a melhor solução para suas necessidades.

Vamos explorar juntos o que cada aplicativo tem a oferecer.


O Happify é um aplicativo que oferece atividades baseadas na ciência da psicologia positiva para ajudar seus usuários a melhorar o humor e a resiliência.

Ele combina jogos, quizzes e tarefas simples que estimulam pensamentos mais positivos.

Sua interface lúdica faz com que a experiência seja prazerosa.

E a variedade de atividades ajuda a manter os usuários engajados.

O app Happify está disponível em android and iOS.


Daylio é um aplicativo simples, mas poderoso, que permite rastrear o humor por meio de registros diários.

Ele fornece uma visão clara de como os estados emocionais mudam ao longo do tempo.

Facilitando a identificação de padrões e disparadores.

O usuário pode adicionar notas e atividades ao registro.

Tornando-o uma ferramenta valiosa para entender a relação entre ações e sentimentos.

O app Daylio está disponível em android and iOS.


Desenvolvido por psicólogos, o Cíngulo oferece sessões guiadas que focam em diferentes aspectos emocionais.

Sua proposta é semelhante a uma terapia online, com um banco de dados de exercícios de autoconhecimento e técnicas terapêuticas.

Além disso, o aplicativo apresenta recomendações personalizadas.

Adaptando as sugestões às necessidades específicas do usuário.

O app Cíngulo está disponível em android and iOS.


Traz o foco no gerenciamento de crises de pânico.

O Rootd combina técnicas comprovadas com um design acessível para fornecer assistência imediata a quem precisa.

O aplicativo possui recursos que ajudam a interromper um ataque de pânico.

E também oferece lições que promovem o entendimento da ansiedade e estratégias para superá-la.

O app Rootd está disponível em android and iOS.


Cada um desses aplicativos oferece um conjunto único de ferramentas para auxiliar no processo de melhorar a saúde mental.

Experimentar esses recursos pode ser o primeiro passo para obter insights importantes sobre suas emoções.

E criar um plano personalizado de autocuidado.

Application to control depression

If you have recurrent anxiety and sadness, you can use the depression management app to help with that.

We recommend in today's article, the MoodTools application, which is great for fighting depression and improving the user's mood.

MoodTools Resources

MoodTools brings the following features to the user:

  • Thought diary: bringing help to improve mood, still managing to analyze the user's thinking patterns, based on Cognitive Therapy;
  • Activities: helps in recovering energy with the practice of some activities, in addition to monitoring mood through the application of Behavioral Activation Therapy;
  • Safety plan: presents a safety plan to the user for moments of crisis and suicidal thoughts, providing assistance;
  • Information: it has information about the self-help guidelines, also bringing information from the internet to help;
  • Test: has the PHQ-9 depression questionnaire, monitoring the improvement of the user's symptoms with the use of the app;
  • Video: the app indicates YouTube videos that help improve the user's mood and behavior, bringing indications of lectures and meditations.

Useful information about the app

MoodTools had the collaboration of mental health professionals to be developed.

But we emphasize that, even so, the application does not replace any medical follow-up, which is indicated.

Performing therapies, in addition to, if necessary, administering medication, are the most effective ways to treat depression.

Thus, the MoodTools app presents itself as an aid to treatment.

This app, which was mainly developed to help with the treatment of depression, can also be used by users who do not have such a diagnosis.

Other conditions and disorders can also be monitored by the app, such as:

  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD);
  • Panic disorder;
  • Dysthymia;
  • Seasonal affective disorder;
  • Bipolar disorder;
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD);
  • Schizophrenia;
  • Generalized anxiety disorder.

Pro Mode Information

The moodTools app brings its main features to the user for free, but also has a paid version, called Modo Pro, where additional features are presented, such as:

  • Cloud sync;
  • Password protection;
  • Export features.

The Modo Pro version can be purchased through two options: for US$ 4.99 monthly or for US$ 29.99 annually.

These values can still be changed according to the country in which the user is located, and the billing is carried out through iTunes.

It still renews automatically within 24 hours before the end of the subscription period, but the user can cancel the plan before that period.

It is also possible for the user to cancel the automatic renewal by accessing the account settings.

To clarify doubts or make comments, the user can send an e-mail to:


Application for guided therapy

See below, the application for guided therapy most used by users, being among the best to help with mental health and personal development.

Through the Cíngulo application, it is possible to access a guided therapy that helps the user to improve their self-knowledge and to have a significant emotional improvement.

The app brings knowledge from over 15 years, drawn from scientific research and clinical knowledge.

He presents his therapy based on personal development and modern psychology.

The best guided therapy app

This application, Cíngulo, was chosen by Exame magazine as the best application of the month.

It also received a score of 10 in the TechTudo assessment, with the following comment: “Cíngulo is an extremely well-made platform. This is largely due to the minds behind the app: Diogo Lara and Gustavo Ottoni, both psychiatrists and PhDs in neurosciences”.

“The practical knowledge on the subject makes the service deviate from the rule followed by most applications of the genre, which only gather motivational phrases and empty self-help”.

Its innovative methodology is widely recognized in the field for improving well-being, mental health and self-awareness.

Testimonials from thousands of Cíngulo users state that the app brings about significant changes in mental health.

The user can use the app on their own or as a referral from a professional, such as a psychologist or coach, to be used as a complementary tool.

Girdle Resources

The user can find through the Cíngulo app:

  • Emotional profile tests: where periodic tests are shown, which help in the emotional improvement of the user and in his follow-up;
  • Daily self-knowledge sessions: brings different content to improve stress, anxiety, self-esteem, insecurity, focus, depression, attitudes, relationships and others;
  • The app features guided meditation sessions;
  • SOS: shows useful techniques for resolving emotional crises, helping to improve sleep and fight insomnia;
  • Emotional diary: in this place, the user can make his daily notes, being able to better reflect and learn from everyday circumstances.

Cingle Plans

After downloading the Cíngulo application, the user receives free sessions, also being able to access the diary and SOS techniques.

If you want to access the full content of the app, the user must subscribe to the paid plan, with an annual cost of R$ 299.90, which may vary in value.

With that, you get a seven-day free trial.

Within 24 hours before the current plan period ends, it is automatically renewed.

Its value is charged through the credit card that the user informed, and must be linked to iTunes.

It is possible for the user to cancel the automatic renewal by accessing the iTunes settings for the appropriate changes.

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